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  1. ....not just the context that fits your narrative.
  2. Who let Jack Parkman vote 13 times?
  3. How is it that stuff like this aways seems to get swept under the rug?? I can only find it being reported by 2 media outlets.
  4. I get it man; I really do. It seems, however, that understanding the difference between a fact and opinion, no matter how unbiased, is unimportant to when it fits a identity-supporting narrative.
  5. Yeah people are assholes and Trump is a dickhead. This isn’t a new revelation. This was a thing even before he was a president. All I’m saying is that I’m capable of forming my own conclusions with facts as an input. And I believe other people can do this too. This group think that’s been created by the opinions of polarized media outlets is destroying the willingness of people to think for themselves.
  6. Did you even bother to read the article??
  7. My response is I don’t trust any of them. Just report the facts and let me form my own opinions.
  8. The idea that opinions can exist in the middle, that something can be both good and bad, is a foreign topic to many. Hyperbole, polarization and false dichotomies are the new norm because they provide an identity for those who feel they need one. And from this comes the-- "If you don't hate Trump, this means you support him and I hate you." --nonsense.
  9. Maybe just learn to enjoy TODAY.
  10. Exactly. People hear what they want to hear. It’s an identity crisis.
  11. It’s not a 50% chance dude. For FUCK’S sake.
  12. They’re doing this in the MSP area.... https://kstp.com/coronavirus/target-and-cub-announces-new-store-hours-dedicated-vulnerable-guest-shopping-time-march-17-2020/5676855/
  13. Please don’t copy and paste entire articles.
  14. Give a bunch of irrelevant people a false sense of relevancy in the name of their ego.
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