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Everything posted by HakunaMachado

  1. Jay, yonder, and manny call themselves the 305 boys right? That’s why the 305 is there...
  2. I feel like this thread is the spring training for the inevitable MM signing. Lots of heat tonight, should break soon. We need to use this to get ready!
  3. Thank goodness he posted not MM related, or this site would have crashed. I’m guessing Joc. Dodgers wouldn’t sign AJ without that worked out...
  4. Yonder supposedly IG’ed ad for soxfest, and MM liked it on IG (according to Twitter)
  5. That is an interesting option, and explains all the info out there re 7/8/possibly 9.
  6. Heyman’s update is good right? That is what all the board insiders have been saying all along?
  7. Does the Phillies shift to Harper mean he sorta picked us to try to finalize with?
  8. Today must be the day! Esp with the Phillies making an offer to Harper overnight leaks...
  9. So after 300+ pages, I am feeling like I’m a tweet away from either MM being my favorite player, or my most hated player in mlb.
  10. That is huge. Maybe just maybe the Sox are playing this right
  11. It is way too quiet. Something is going down tonight! (Wishful thinking of course)
  12. What was the consensus on that John Waiijo guy on twitter? Can’t embed (driving) but he seems to have some new nuggets...
  13. Just my two cents, but maybe that mannyjr99 guy was onto something with his post and the news that broke overnight. He wishes manny goodluck on the 2019 season and congrats yesterday evening bc he knows manny officially signed (under secrecy). Announcement tomorrow or whatever? Seems to make sense with the massive smoke all of a sudden.
  14. The comment directly below the one posted references the 2019 season....
  15. He posted the same pic on twitter (I cannot for the life of me embed a tweet right) under mannyjr99. The comment from him was β€œ#congrats and #good luck #2019season”
  16. So Phillies spend all day with Harper? This could be something? The β€œcongrats/good luck in 2019 season remark” is interesting. Maybe he will he signing with the white Sox on the 13th (his jersey number). God I just want this to end...
  17. Interesting that article is from 2 days ago. I wonder if the info is stale. Seems like every few hours there is new info on this. Praying it ends this weekend.
  18. Didn’t realize playing SS was so important to MM. interesting.
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