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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. But there is no possible penalty here -- he can simply preface it with "this was 35 years ago, but the way I remember it nothing like that happened". And that's exactly what he's going to do, and everyone knows it. I just see no way this can be proven one way or another, and unfortunately for Ford, the law doesn't side with her here. People might, but the law doesn't. Again, how do you "investigate" claims?
  2. While I agree the process should be slowed to make sure everything is done properly, I have to ask, an investigation into what exactly? This is a he said/she said argument to this point, and the only witness is Kavanaugh's friend, who already took his side (predictably) and there is nothing for the FBI to find. The FBI isn't some magical organization that can uncover someone's "claims" from the past that cannot be corroborated by anyone else. That isn't how investigations even work.
  3. I'm sorry, I can't speak on this -- I know nothing about it and I'll simply come out and admit that.
  4. The Kavanaugh case bothers me quite a bit. I don't even want get into it here because I'll likely become a villain. Unless these claims can actually be proven, why would anyone take EITHER persons side? This much is obvious to me -- people on there right will want to agree with Kavanaugh's account, and people on the left will want to agree with the Ford's. I, on the other hand, want to agree with the person that's *RIGHT*, if that can even be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. If it cannot be, it's a non-starter with me. This doesn't make me insensitive to Ford, either -- which I'm sure a lot of you not think anyway. I'd just hope that if some unfortunate day comes where someone accuses me of something, they have some actual evidence I did it before the really really bad court of public opinion ruins my life over it.
  5. Maybe at the beginning, but I think the white supremacist voices fell off a cliff when a lot of people that may have been distraught realized how fucking stupid and violent these people are. Like I said, the more you let ignorant idiots speak, the less people will want to listen to them when they see the consequences of acting like a moron. Didn't that racist rally go from thousands of people last year to like 10 people showing up this year? Trump is an idiot, especially on Twitter. I don't disagree. And Hollywood wants to be generalized like that -- that's why 99.9% of them are anti-Trump openly, and the ones that aren't better tread carefully. ...and if what I say bugs you so much, feel free to not engage in conversation with me, I'm obviously too stupid for you to simply ask me to clarify what was in and of itself, a purposefully generalized post.
  6. The specific who isn't important here, it's just that it happens, and it happens quite often in political discussions. There are probably even people on this forum guilty of calling Trump supporters racists in a very blanket way.
  7. There is nothing wrong with this line of thinking -- it's quite reasonable based on everything we are seeing. My issue is moreso people getting "generalized" these days. It turns me off from wanting to have a discussion, and I find it ugly when either side does it. Calling all Trump supporters racists is simple minded and bothers me to no end. Maybe, just maybe, there are specific things that person finds important that Trump seems to represent to them, and other things he does they don't care for at all. I simply cannot grasp how a person can be all or nothing for a candidate. For example, I wasn't a big fan of Obama's foreign policy whatsoever. The usage of drones, the neverending wars that were promised to be ending, etc. Whereas I quite agreed with "some" of his domestic environmental initiatives, and I especially agreed with him on net neutrality, both areas I very much oppose Trump on.
  8. I've shifted positions as I've aged -- be it from this forums discussions, or the quickly changing state of the world. I sometimes have bizarre views on things, depending on the subject. This is why I tend to not affiliate with any party. I believe in fiscal responsibility, both from the government and the individual, and I know this is not a priority or even a thing in either party platform, so I tend disagree quite heavily with both on this point. They often come up with ideas -- if you want to call them ideas -- but with no reasonable way to fund them. I think this forum gets crapped on a lot because it's become quite divisive. I've seen quite a few posts as of late that come across as very much an "us vs them" attitude -- and I find this attitude abhorrent. Nobody seems to have respect for anyone anymore, especially when they happen to have a differing view on things. Instead of trying to know the person and understand why they have such a view, they simply attack them for being "stupid, or ignorant, or racist", and I really hate where this is going.
  9. I really didn't want this thread going off course where I wind up defending my feelings to everyone that posts. What I wanted to get to know some of your thoughts/feelings on these (or other issues), that may go against the grain of your party.
  10. I didn't say she was, but she is suddenly a prominent figure of the party -- often cited in the media as "the future" of the party. This is all stemming from something. And she's not the only one running this super far left "democratic socialist" platform that Bernie Sanders made popular.
  11. 1) If you don't see a lot of this, you need to open your eyes. People like Ocasio-Cortez didn't suddenly pop up into prominent position in the democratic party because of how little of this there is. 2) I know what actual socialism is, and most "first world" nations don't have it, they're exactly like the US with stricter regulation and just an increased amount of "social programs", like Medicare, etc. They tend to have the same divide of rich vs poor. 3) I think some form of military is required for the US, just not to the extent we have it at. Other nations don't have a military budget because they have the US acting as their military, and that gives them the option to "not spend all their resources on it", an option we clearly do not have.
  12. See, this is one of those things where I argue that children being seperated from parents is a about written law, not about the Trump administration being evil. It's also quite 'head in the sand' when I see people pretend this wasn't happening during Obama's administration. It was -- perhaps not to the degree it's happening now -- but it was happening. Now, here is where I actually get angry -- the Democrats who argue against this practice were literally in majority control for well over two years and never did anything about it. I mean, I know they can't walk and chew gum at the same time, but this kind of stuff really annoys me about politicians and the people that give them excuses for doing nothing when they had the chance to do something, and then years later turn around and play angry about the practice.
  13. See, here is where the disconnect comes from. There is no fucking way in hell that a LOT of people in Hollywood didn't know what Weinstein was up to, and yet all of them let him get away with it for YEARS before it suddenly became okay to step up and act the hero when it became convenient to do so. Only after a few brave girls stepped up and risked their careers did people suddenly turn on that prick. If they truly knew when wrong was wrong, Weinstein would have been exposed by others in the industry LONG before women stepped up.
  14. I would make that case about Alex Jones listeners. Anyone stupid enough to believe Alex Jones is stupid enough to come to those very same conclusions without him. Alex Jones is the epitome of confirmation bias, and that's the only reason the ignorant tend to listen to anything he says. The greatest thing and the worst thing about the Internet is it gave everyone -- from the most intelligent among us, to the most stupid -- a voice. It's a double edged sword at it's finest use of the definition. That being said, I think it's a better thing than just a few, "hand picked, and quite often mega rich out of touch individuals" having that same power, completely unchecked. Part of overcoming people like Alex Jones is education. It's not like ignorant widespread belief systems like the KKK didn't exist long before social media. I just think it's even more dangerous to stifle free speech than it is to let the ignorant speak their minds.
  15. My inclusion of Hollywood is because they tend to be quite "leftist" in their spouted agendas, yet the reality is they're usually anything but these nice people they pretend to be in front of a camera. They also have WAY TOO MUCH influence over the youth. They call for things like Socialism, because they're so rich it won't really affect them one way or another, and they don't actually understand what "true socialism" even is. Most of the European nations they point too aren't even socialist, they're capitalist with more social programs than the US, most of which get away with having an almost zero military budget because of us (pardun the US pun). I'm not a fan of Trump, the more he talks, the more I cringe. That being said, I'm not in agreeance with many on the left that anyone that supports Trump is a racist xenophobe, either. That kind of all or nothing talk really irks me. I know plenty of people that voted for Obama that then voted for Trump, and they're none of those things, and it's quite annoying when we take complex issues and simply say things like that about large swaths of people. Hollywood is simply an easy way to highlight this for me.
  16. Hello, I haven't posted here in quite some time -- as when I did I'd tend to troll people and eventually get myself banned. I still lurk around and read, but on it's surface, it seems the Buster has become increasingly intolerant in the wake of the Trump administration (to some degree for very good reasons), and I got me wondering how people actually felt, versus how their parties want them to feel on the spectrum of issues. I'm often accused of being "far right", when nothing could be further from the truth, as I have certain beliefs that lean one way or another, and it got me wondering how others feel, while trying to take their party affiliations out of the equation. For example, on a few quick issues, this is how *I* feel, regardless of what whatever party you want to lump me into says I should feel. Note: Try to inject some reality into this. I'm not looking for descriptions of your perfect utopian society we cannot achieve. I'm looking for realistic thoughts and feelings (in a brief manner) on any subject you feel is important. * Religion - I have little use for it, I think it breeds hate and intolerance more than it breeds love and forgiveness. That being said, I also have nothing against it, so long as you do it on your own time and don't shove it in my face and most importantly, keep it out of government. * Abortion - A woman's body is hers and hers alone. I'm pro choice. This shouldn't even be a thing. * LGBTQXXXXX Rights - This just doesn't even register with me as something that matter, especially to government. They're people like everyone else, leave them the fuck alone. One caveat I'll add to this is don't expect me to call you some whimsical pronoun you just invented and get offended when I don't. If I make a mistake in reference to you, simply correct me, but don't get in my face or yell at me as being intolerant or ignorant. Mistakes happen. * Healthcare - This needs to be redone from the ground up -- that means from the overly expensive schooling, malpractice insurance needs, pharma, what people in this profession make, etc...up to and including insurance reforms. We can't just "attack insurance companies" and expect the rest of the industry to fix itself. If single payer is the way, we need to find a legitimate way to fund it, and not some kick the can down the road, "fuck it, our great-great-great grandchildren can all live in poverty paying off the shit we abused". * Gun rights - While I'm not anti-gun, I'm also not a gun owner, and don't really care for them. I'd be fine without them, but we'd need a legitimate way to curb the flow of illegal firearms into the country from anywhere they can enter illegally. The biggest issue with creating a black market is someone tends to "fill the void". See Prohibition for reference. * Military - We need to drastically cut spending here and stop being the world's police force. * Free Speech - This is one area where the far left is beginning to annoy me. I'm not a fan of shouting people down and refusing to let them discuss their opinion. So long as a person isn't calling for the harm of others, let them talk, especially the ignorant. Because the more they talk -- the less people will listen to their ignorant shit. We need to return to well-reasoned discussions to stop the continuing division in this country, it's disturbing. * Fiscal Responsibility - We need this. Badly The republicans preach it, but don't actually follow it, and the democrats tend to tout the pie in the sky solutions and don't care, either. And it seems nothing actually gets fixed despite how much more we spend. * Immigration. I'm all for legal immigration, while I feel for those that illegally immigrate. If I was in their shoes, I'd more than likely do the same thing to do better for my family. This is also one area of this country where a lot of people annoy me. Spoiled Americans "vowing" to leave the country unless they get their way while others are almost killing themselves to come here to make a better life for themselves, I propose anyone that threatened to "leave" when Trump won, should trade places with an illegal immigrant, giving them their US citizenship in exchange for "leaving the worst place on the planet". * Hollywood - I'm tired of the virtue signaling from Hollywood elites that act like they understand ordinary people or that they're "above the fray". More than half of those audiences (emmys, oscars) cheering "fuck trump" bullshit are some of the worst people in the world that have done some of the worst things to people. I believe people like Weinstein are just scratching the surface of that "holier than thou" elitist tribe. ----- Anyway, that's just a few of my random thoughts since I've been away for a while. Please, if you decide to reply, be reasonable and don't attack me. 😐
  17. Give Renee a chance, she's new, and likely being fed lines by the McMahons and hasn't yet caught on to how to do things yet.
  18. They'd only do this if there was a harsh barrier of entry, and it doesn't appear that there is given the number of companies sprouting up around the world. Odds are, given the massively bubbled values of those Canadian companies you mention (based on spec buyers, I've looked at their numbers and they're not just overvalued, they're .com era overvalued), the American alcohol/tobacco companies would simply do it on their own since they already know how to process -- and more importantly -- distribute tobacco products. I've seen a similar speculative run on marijuana stocks in the past when US states were passing laws to legalize it. As a quick example to highlight, Tilray has a market cap of 9.78 billion dollars while as of July they have a whopping 25 million dollars in cash on hand -- with no long or short term investments -- and a net tangible assets of only 33.8 million dollars. The fact the street is valuing a company with assets of 33 million dollars at 9.78 billion is Tulip mania laughable. This is classic case of FOMO investing, and the only winners will be the ones that got in early, and get out before the bubble bursts.
  19. I was into Boston also -- and yes, I just turned 43. RUSH just isn't for a lot of people is all. Same with the Who, and quite a few others of that sort. My musical tastes are really all over the board, I'll listen to anything so long as I can connect with it somehow.
  20. My first "collection" was definitely Rush albums, which transitioned from tapes to CD's at some point. Don't ask me how or why I got into such an off the wall band, but I did.
  21. First album: Def Leppard - Hysteria First concert: RUSH - Presto
  22. That's really awesome -- talk about one hell of a workout. Scenery is out of this world, making it even better.
  23. They’ll probably make Rousey v Bliss the main event to prevent this.
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