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  1. Steroids had a hell of a way of making him seem even better. Wild how that works.
  2. Way overdue. Shoot the dumb Bloodline story into the sun now. Embarrassing it took this long to get the belt off Roman.
  3. "You know Stone Pony, Yaz would have hit that one to the moon"
  4. Can we designate Eloy for assignment at Wendy's and be done with it.
  5. At least that made it exciting. Instead of Jason being like "Woooowwieee a Home run", 17 seconds after it obliterated a hole in the scoreboard.
  6. He wasn't good. This isn't a shock at all.
  7. We won't lose 100 games this year. I know that is a bummer for some of you.
  8. Weird, it's almost like teams should start bringing actual baseball players into their farm systems. Not just athletes that have high ceilings. A completely wild approach, I know.
  9. That's just the thing, he doesn't seem very athletic watching him try and move around during a game. His injury history pretty much shows this.
  10. I have a Homsar shirt somewhere in my closet. Ahh the early days of the internet.
  11. This team is better than last years. s%*# on them all you want for not having talent, but I bet they play better as a team than what we trotted out the last couple seasons. Strong defense and fundamental baseball can overcome a lot. I believe. P.S. I am not Chris Getz and I am not high.
  12. Or, you leak a billion dollar ask, to instead go in and ask for roughly half of that. It's all about perception.
  13. Someone should tell him, at least he had a seat at the table, when they decline.
  14. Manfred is really really really bad at his job.
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