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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2021 in all areas

  1. No, it truly sounds like you enjoy it.
    5 points
  2. As far as your signature part of the post, the Sox intention is to trade Kimbrel for a “few decent players.” Suggesting they just casually throw in Vaughn alongside Kimbrel for a “few decent players” is honestly ridiculous. Your bias is so strong you’re literally ignoring the reality of Vaughn’s value, not only to the Sox, but to the rest of the league.
    2 points
  3. Was sure this was a Caulfield post until the bottom part.
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. In 2020, you told us it would be years until we played anyway.
    1 point
  6. Pretty much yeah, you just have to be allowed into the club.
    1 point
  7. And which MLB franchise is worth less now than it was on at mid-summer, 2020? Even the A's and Rays will get massive premiums on current cl valuations when they sell for relocation purposes... Also, guess we will see similar testing changes soon for MLB...an outdoor sport with even less physical contact. "The NFL will stop mandating weekly COVID-19 tests for asymptomatic vaccinated players, according to memos distributed Saturday that described a major shift in the league's approach to the pandemic. The new protocols, which take effect next week, could allow the virus to spread undetected through locker rooms, and could increase opportunities for infected but otherwise healthy players to participate in games. The NFL and NFLPA announced the "more targeted testing plan" in a statement, along with "more flexibility" for players "to attend meetings virtually" and opportunities for "high-risk players" to opt out of the remainder of the season."
    1 point
  8. Oh he’s for sure playing the Alex Jones role. They even snuck in him shilling some bullshit supplement, which was really funny. But with that said….are we really complaining and poking holes in him being played in Times Square? It’s a movie with a Lizard scientist, a guy made of sand, wizards, etc…I mean come on. Give it a rest @caulfield12
    1 point
  9. That was so fucking awesome. What a movie.
    1 point
  10. What is the risk when your initial investment increases 20-30% per year in value regardless of what happens?
    1 point
  11. Mets gonna be dangerous in 2024.
    1 point
  12. Let it go man. They aren't using Vaughn to dump a contract that isn't even toxic.
    1 point
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