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Posts posted by BamaDoc

  1. Hopefully, he is just frustrated about sucking when the team needs him most. Hitting .141 you should be happy to be in the lineup anywhere. I hope he goes on a tear and carries us all the way, for that matter I hope anyone goes on a hot streak!

  2. I agree this is not the time to be thinking about this issue. If Frank has a likely chance of DHing, I sadly take the draft picks for Konerko. Obviously, Frank would have to take a incentive ladden contract. The two together are to slow for this style of play. Konerko has not shown the kind of presence that lifts other players and scares pitchers. Even if you are not a Frank fan when he returned you could sense the difference. When he went out no one picked up that presence. I just don't know if we will pay the market rate for Konerko. I can't/won't ever bash him for taking what he can get nor can I fault management for saying thanks but no thanks.

  3. Now that rosters have expanded, why are we using Blum. He has hit about .200 with the Sox. Why not Dye at first and Anderson or Borchard in the outfield if you want to rest Konerko? He may be a great guy, but offense early in the game and bring him in late for defense.

  4. What is the contract status for Gload? arbitration or free agent? If I was Ozzie, I would have a conversation asap to clarify his role. He is not a primary option but could have a role to play especially if he gets his shoulder healthy.

  5. Anderson is not playing much, and is 2 for 13 with 6 strikeouts. While I think he has long term potential what do we lose by sending him down and trying Owens? I would give him a try at the top until Pods is back. Timo hasn't done much in leadoff either.

  6. I know someone can do this:


    percentage of runs via homer early(prior to Frank) and avg runs per game


    percentage via homer with Frank and rpg


    percentage via homer post Frank's injury and rpg.


    Most think small ball has disapeared and I agree, but I would like to see the numbers and what Frank's presence had on scoring. This may also indicate if adding a bopper like Griffey would have a similar effect. Right now, I think we have a team slump, possibly by players trying to do more than their role. Are we pressing or just in a flat spell?

  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 01:57 AM)
    I let El Duque out there but with a very short leash...


    If he gives up a long ball, worst case is it becomes 5-3.  If anyone gets on base, he should come out.  We're not facing the "heart" of their order this inning.  He might as well get the chance to win it, just in case someone does something next half inning.



    I can see that . Is anyone warm in the pen?

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