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Posts posted by bbbbbbb77

  1. Hi Folks This is my first post to this board so I'll try to keep it simple. I have been living here in the San Francisco Bay Area for the past 3 years and trying to spread the White Sox Fanatisism everywhere I go. I have been following all your post on this board for the past 2 months and I thought it's about time to join the fun. :cheers I look forward to sharing the many ups and downs with my fellow Sox fans and I know my girlfriend will appreciate that I have another outlet for my beloved Sox!


    Well just to get you on another mindset for the upcomming A's series, I can tell you that the local media here is referring to this as a "very tough series agaist the surging White Sox!" :bringit Wins and the recent offensive surge is starting to garner some much due respect throughout the AL!


    Prediction...Sox take two out of three! :headbang

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