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  1. Past hour
  2. Pretty sure we'll have more pitchers used than team wins in 2024
  3. That is honestly insane. Lenyn Sosa got on base 18 times in the month of August and not a single one of these sorry ass hitters on this roster was able to drive him in a single time. How the f*** does Chris Getz have a job? That is a great find.
  4. Idaho threatening to upset #3 Oregon on the road....trailing 17-14 in fourth quarter.
  5. Will be the 40th player to make his Sox debut this season. 27 was the previous franchise record. And will be the 61st player used overall- also a franchise record. But Getz and company are doing a bang up job.
  6. What’s the record for most double-digit losing streaks in a year?
  7. Oh yeah. I’m leaning into this suckage. 36-126? Why not!!
  8. Another pathetic offensive effort. Fire everyone
  9. Another great outing from Pallette. 2IP 1H 0R 0ER 0bb 3K
  10. another mind boggling Getz decision
  11. Today
  12. More 9th inning drama. Just to let us down
  13. Yeah, they're bringing Iriarte up to appease the 18 fans who even know who he is. Some of you guys need to touch grass. In reality, they're probably getting his feet wet in hopes that he pitches well, has a good Spring and might be able to fill a back end starter role next year.
  14. Benintendi closing in on Robert Vaughn and Sheets for the team ops lead...what a sad state of affairs. .220 vs. .218 BA advantage to Benintendi.
  15. Benintendi hit a meaningless homer in the 9th on Thursday. Prior to that they scored in the 8th on Monday.
  16. It’s what happens when you have a team lacking in power
  17. Service time is not applicable here since it’s so late in the season.
  18. Even when they hit a ball hard, it’s right at someone!
  19. Honest question because I’m too lazy to go through the box scores. When is the last time the Sox have scored a run in the 7th, 8th, or 9th innings? It certainly seems like they score a couple early and the bats go silent for the remainder of the game.
  20. I haven't quit on the team. The team has quit on me. You are right about the next few years. At least.
  21. Do you smell that?? It is getting close....
  22. I'd like to congratulate the Sox on scoring in more than 1 inning today....progress not perfection
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