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JoeC last won the day on January 26

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  1. That lineup is scary, as expected, for all the wrong reasons.
  2. I’m not quite sure what you mean here…. Are you saying that we should play prospects because they’re going to be better than the veteran? Or that we shouldn’t trade the veterans because they’re just going to return prospects who are not going to be any better than the veterans in the future? (I legit am trying to understand here…)
  3. If guys are actually going to develop at the big league level, then sure. If Colson does well at AAA and indicates he’s ready for big league pitching (two different things IMO - you can be a good AAA hitter and end up a 2024 White Sox regular), then you absolutely dump the guys like Drury. As of now, I don’t really see anyone worth clearing space up for on opening day… at least not worth more than what Drury could maybe get you if he finds his 2-years-ago form. If he does that, you’ve brought in a low-minors bat at the deadline. Ding ding ding. Might as well buy a couple of scratch-offs, which is what Drury could get you. Again, once guys like Colson show they’re ready for big league pitching, you clear the way. Signing a guy to an NRI isn’t “blocking” jack s%*#, especially when there’s nothing that is being blocked. I hope it changes midseason, and the NRI-turned-half-a-season-league-minimum-guy-turned-DFA becomes a half a season of league minimum salary wasted.
  4. The way I see it… what upside do the younger guys really have? Drury’s upside is higher IMO.
  5. Correct - it is the same thing over and over again. It's just amusing to me that people can have the same discussion over and over again, re-packaged in different threads.
  6. Honestly it’s kind of entertaining, like a Russian Roulette of Getz debates. Which transaction will trigger the next @WestEddy thread? Where will THIS thread go, with the same basic plot? It’s almost more entertaining than tracking the actual moves, jut to see the finger pointing.
  7. Just read the Times of India thing. There is no way that that's not AI generated. The first warning sign should have been the second word of the article ("Baseball star . . . .")
  8. All I’ve read of this thread is page 6. Anything I’ve missed?
  9. Drury seems like a decent enough of a flip candidate. Realistically, the guys he’d be “blocking” aren’t going to be part of the next contention window, anyways, so I don’t really see the big fuss there.
  10. All signs seem to be pointing upward for Burke, which is nice to see. I wonder if the write-ups / rankings took his new repertoire into account.
  11. That's why I'd be interested to see retrospectives written on these rankings. Like, 10 years later, who was right?
  12. By definition of some, all of them. Because that’s what defines a fan, apparently.
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