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chitownsportsfan last won the day on July 13

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Charlotte Knights (AAA)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    the shared misery
  • Favorite Sox player
    Luis Robert
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  • Favorite Sox moment
    El Duque's relief appearance against Boston '05.
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    Frank Thomas

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  1. well his laughter was 20 games closer to reality. who is laughing now? Sox under betters.
  2. Of course he is a winning ballplayer, good lord. If you had a Luis Robert at every position on the Sox you'd have a 95 win team.
  3. Literally the entire point of sabermetrics, to replace "boy he fills out that uni!" with actual facts about a player that contribute to winning or losing baseball games.
  4. that's a dozen losses in a row. fire someone please. cut someone please.
  5. He's got nothing tonight. Changeup is just sitting there. Slider not even close. Whatever.
  6. Not only that but they wasted a throwaway year and still didn't find out much about Colas, Sosa and a couple other guys. It's largely been an utter waste of a season and a disasterous start to any sort of "Getz era". Not only are you fielding what is likely the worst modern team of all time, you did so by signing a bunch of vets that at best will get you a couple lotto tickets, assuming Getz's slow ass manages to find some takers for them. It's a D- effort, at best.
  7. chris getz sucks at musical chairs.
  8. Not even Getz could f*** this one up, could he? An obvious "pump and dump" signing in the offseason, one of the only ones that worked, and now you just gotta dump him after a very successful pump. Don't blow it.
  9. Yea, I was excited for about three innings after the ASB, haven't watched much since, a few innings here and there like last night but it's such an awful product there's no reason to make it must watch TV, or even remember when the games start really.
  10. Yea I've changed my mind. Fire him now. If nothing else it might show some of the players a hint of accountability. On those same lines I'd outright DFA Sheets and let Colas come up and get all the RF and some DH AB.
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