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Bob Sacamano

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Bob Sacamano last won the day on September 26

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  1. They were sort of in a position to sell in July. The trade gave them their starting SS. But yeah, they def could have used him in the post-season.
  2. Detroit was 10-3 against Sox right?
  3. Think he mights it doesn’t make that much of a difference. It’s still going to be a bad team. Yes, having Hinch over TLR would have made sense when they made that choice but getting a great manager now with the roster how it is honestly doesn’t matter. Maybe, 5-10 more wins? Still dogshit.
  4. Check your tv. If it’s like mine, it may have an antenna built in.
  5. Hes 20 years old. Still has all the talent to be special. If we did a deal where traded both Robert and Crochet to the O’s, I would want Holliday + + however.
  6. Kinda thought Fubo or Hulu TV maybe. Apps that carried/carry Marquee.
  7. The guy said he lives in Washington state and he’s bitching about not being able to find the games.
  8. Living in an area without blackout restrictions and complaining you won’t be able to find the games is amazing lmao
  9. You would have literally no problem compared to us who live locally lol just get MLBTV or ESPN+ or whatever for all games. Easy solution. The f***?
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