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Bob Sacamano

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Bob Sacamano last won the day on January 8

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About Bob Sacamano

  • Birthday March 10

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  1. Honestly, as a lot of us wanted, they should have started him in the minors THIS SEASON and eased him into the role. Let him build early/get a year of control back. Now they have this mess.
  2. If they actually developed him as a starter, he also wouldn't be on track to be a free agent at the age of 27. He won't have a ton of innings on his arm and could be coming off 3 great seasons. He could be in a better position than if it took him a couple years as long as he is healthy.
  3. WE don't run it. Whatever we can imagine or plan doesn't matter. Be realistic.
  4. Dude what. I don't run this fucking team lol Why do I respond to these posts
  5. He's going to be under the amateur international signing rules so they can't write a big check for him. The quality of the current state of the team will matter.
  6. Still need bats! Sign Soto to massive deal and make him the face of the franchise the next 14-15 years. Edit: while we are talking about things that won't happen.
  7. Yep. And you can argue he shouldn't have been up to even get hurt and placed on the MLB IL.
  8. Dude only has 184 MLB innings (111 coming this year), almost 4 years of service time already, and will be a free agent at the age of 27. They've been great to him in my book lol Edit: if he pitches this great and stays healthy the next couple of months and 2 years, he's looking at a long-term deal with an opt-out or 2.
  9. His value was always going to be complicated this season because of the eventual limit of innings. It seemed more likely the past few weeks but now it seems like it won't until the offseason. Edit: a team might have been able work with him and give him 1-inning starts and then had him pitch in postseason but the extension comments hurt that.
  10. They can still use a CF. Although, they could get another LHH corner bat and move Marsh to CF.
  11. Yeah, there's plenty to blame the Sox for in the past decade+, but this was them being blindsided. I guess this just kind of gets lumped in with all the other random shite that happens with this cursed franchise.
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