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Bob Sacamano

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Bob Sacamano last won the day on September 26

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About Bob Sacamano

  • Birthday March 10

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  1. Please let the door hit you on the way out
  2. Do you really need to commit to $30/month when it’s just baseball season? It’s only $10 more but still just a thought I guess.
  3. His projected arb number is what, $6.3M? Finding it difficult to pay him that.
  4. Well that seems completely necessary and called for.
  5. No, I definitely was not coming at him haha
  6. I'll be happy to make the switch. And MLBN is on Fubo.
  7. This isn't making the argument that you think it's making.
  8. Not during the 2 years of his control that’s for sure.
  9. Sox fans absolutely will. Many take the Rock Island line that goes straight to the game. And honestly, that Metra line goes right by where the proposed stadium would be so there would likely be a stop added.
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