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Buehrle>Wood last won the day on October 29 2023

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About Buehrle>Wood

  • Birthday 02/20/2021

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    Birmingham Barons (AA)
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  1. Crochet making the Sox look cheap yet again is awesome. Good for him. Love this move by him. Get paid.
  2. Crochet wants to get paid and the Sox are in the perfect position to pay him. f*** Jerry indeed until they do that.
  3. I doubt he cares about his trade value if he's not getting paid. The White Sox of course can pay him. They won't do that but that's no different to him than trading to a team that also won't pay him
  4. The Sandlot 4th of July scene is one of the best scenes in movie history Edit: see I've been beaten to that
  5. Schriffen hasn't missed much. Benetti I think once took two weeks off to do the Olympics. I don't think the situations are all too comparable. My guess is also that Schriffen does have a vacation series to take and he just happens to be working over it because Vegas why not? But that is a pure guess. Benetti missing a ridiculous amount of games was something the Sox should be mad about. He did promise the Tigers 140 games or whatever though. We shall see.
  6. Eloys ability to hit everything on the ground remains undefeated
  7. I'm surprised an All American 3B from the ACC who put up ridiculous numbers didn't get drafted. I guess he's old since he's the all time leader in games played but still.
  8. Thought that was long gone. Not watching with sound but seemed everyone else did toim
  9. Chuckie Robinson apparently batting here
  10. Robert wasn't sleeping so not sure. He thought about it. I think it was uncalled. Pham did it on a whim and Robert didn't want to get thrown out if it went to 2nd. Horrible swing by Vaughn though.
  11. Pham with a brilliant steal of third. Vaughn with a hilarious routine gidp.
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