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baseball_gal_aly last won the day on December 23 2023

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About baseball_gal_aly

  • Birthday November 8

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  1. Probably because it was 10-0 3 days before the TDL
  2. Pulling Robert in a 10-0 game with 3 days until the TDL is the smartest thing that the Sox have done in nearly two decades.
  3. I posted the pnoles thing for a reason. I'm on the Robert is overrated and actually is just an avg MLB regular train.
  4. I don't think either Robert or Crochet get moved now. I did think Crochet would get traded before this report, but not Robert.
  5. I don't think anyone expected Robert to be this bad though.
  6. I think Getz is going for the opposite approach that Hahn did. He's trying to get as many quality prospects as he can in trades, rather than going for "quality over quantity" because the latter approach didn't work too well last time. Sometimes, these 50 FV guys overperform that outlook.
  7. So who do we want at 43? I'm woefully uninformed this year.
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