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Chicago White Sox last won the day on July 6

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  • Birthday 01/31/1984

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  1. 100%. He will be a star the moment he has something to play for. I get that pisses some people off, but it’s hard to stay motived when you play for Pedro Grifol and will likely be competing for the all time worst record.
  2. Well luckily for us we none of our prospects are hitting in Charlotte so we can trust the stats 😁
  3. I’m going to assume he meant Maldonado given how much he’s stanned for him all year
  4. We need to find eight or nine hitters. That will be impossible to do without getting a couple of high end prospects for Crochet.
  5. And what’s wild is due to injuries, we almost immediately had OF needs and they basically went out and blocked these guys. Now, based on their AAA results this year, they probably haven’t warranted a shot, but that again points to poor evaluations on these guys.
  6. He gave up a top 10 org prospect for Fletcher and a potentially very valuable, controllable reliever for DeLoach (and others). The evaluations on both guys look highly suspect at the moment and it’s just wild that both are rotting in AAA as we speak. That being said, I think he did fairly well in the Cease trade and the Fedde signing was obviously a HR. But generally speaking, we have wasted a ton of playing time on positional guys who have little to no “flip” upside. I will never understand the point of trading for 26 & 25 year old prospects if you weren’t going to give them actual opportunities to become long-term contributors.
  7. He was heavily involved in the hiring of Pedro per Merkin
  8. To be fair, the O’s could still trade for Crochet because they will need another starter for next year. I don’t think they will now with the extension news and this trade, but not completely impossible.
  9. I really don’t like the Cardinals system for our needs
  10. Honestly, I don’t blame Crochet for feeling the way he does, but the Sox have done everything to make Garrett a rich man and faster than they should have by not optioning him. And then he goes out to the media and completely fucks us over. It really sucks because he should have probably opened the season in Charlotte, but alas here we are and now not benefiting after doing him a solid.
  11. The Sox will be threatening for the worst record in modern baseball history this year lead by an epically bad offense. The system is completely devoid of high certainty and/or high impact positional prospects and it’s very clear that we still don’t know how to develop minor league hitters. If we keep Crochet & Robert, Getz has to upgrade eight lineup spots without the ability to convert one of these valuable assets into multiple pieces. To say that would be challenging would be the understatement of the century. The fate of this rebuild is 100% hinged on how well does this deadline and/or this offseason (if offers aren’t there). If he botches this and accepts a subpar return for these guys, the rebuild will take significantly longer. As such, the pressure is immense right now for Chris Getz.
  12. I’m not whining about Getz here…just worried the return makes it harder to imagine a Robert trade happening, at least one to our liking.
  13. It probably is worth highlighting that the Mariners have a top 2 system with eight prospects in the top 100, so guys in this area are mid top 10 org guys in almost any other system. That being said, I still don’t think this return wreaks of a market desperate for bats.
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