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  1. Here are the "facts" directly from MLB. https://www.mlb.com/press-release/press-release-major-league-baseball-statement-mike-clevinger 3/5/23 MLB accepted Clevinger's voluntary agreement to submit to evaluations by the joint treatment boards under collectively bargained policies, and to comply with any of the board's recommendations. which your "logic" is "discipline by definition". But of course your interpretation it's not accurate, as players can enter the program either voluntarily, with or without a formal MLB investigation, as a result formal discipline and or via an arbitration decision as defined in the CBA. Let's stick with the actual CBA agreement covering Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Child Abuse, which Clevinger voluntarily agreed to as part of MLB's announcement that it was dropping further investigation, for one, two or all three provisions of the policy. https://content.mlb.com/documents/2/9/2/296982292/Major_League_Player_Joint_DV_SA_CA_Policy_English_2018.pdf Provisions regarding the treatment plan can be found starting with page 9 of the linked pdf document. That is all I have to say about this matter or the Chicago White Sox. While I hope Mike Clevinger has begun making amends in his personal life, including toward his various children and their mothers, this is beyond my ability to stomach as part of "entertainment". This is strike three on Chris Getz, after hiring Wes Helms and Omar Vizquel, the latter Chris Getz praised as having "positive impact" in the clubhouse. The same clubhouse where Omar Vizquel repeatedly molested an autistic batboy naked in the showers. None of this is surprising considering Getz was personally mentored by Dayton Moore, who was persistent in trying to sign a pedophile convicted of repeatedly molesting his six year old niece. https://theathletic.com/409033/2018/06/26/dayton-moore-is-advocating-for-luke-heimlich-but-if-the-royals-eventually-sign-him-it-will-be-ownerships-call/ Perhaps when all persons primarily responsible for this latest fiasco (Jerry Reinsdorf, Tony La Russa, Chris Getz and Mike Clevinger) are all no longer with the organization, and assuming Chicago Taxpayers aren't screwed a second time with another stadium scheme, and a non Reinsdorf is approved by MLB as the Primary Control Person, I may one day be interested in following the team. I wish all of you well. Take care.
  2. Evaluations and or therapy provided by experts in evaluating, assessing, and treating persons involved in child abuse, domestic violence and or drug abuse are not considered discipline you pathetic obtuse asshat. Clevinger specifically fully agreed to evaluations by these professions, and if recommended a treatment plan.
  3. Should have made Reese McGuire player manager when they had the chance.
  4. I was hopeful there would be an improvement in roster and injury management after Hahn’s departure. Misplaced hope. Same as it ever was.
  5. I agree no single individual fan’s concerns are relevant. However, 35,000 - 40,000 plus empty seats during many games last year, the past two games and future upcoming games this season and beyond indicate collective fan concerns are relevant to the situation. See also low TV and near non existent radio ratings, despite quality radio broadcasts. James Fegan with a thought piece on this situation. https://soxmachine.com/2024/04/mike-clevinger-returning-to-white-sox-for-reasons-yet-to-be-outlined/#comment-9152879 James Fegan believes the club needs to properly explain his return. If I cancel my Sox Machine and Future Sox patreon, it will be due to lack of further interest in White Sox baseball, and not a reflection of the good work both entities do in covering a inept organization. An organization doing everything possible to make it difficult for any fan to like and joyfully follow the team.
  6. Dropping a lawsuit is irrelevant to my concerns. Most people including single mothers can’t afford a lengthy legal battle with a multi millionaire. If there isn’t an honest discussion by the organization addressing legitimate public concerns, that is their choice. Boycotting will be thousands of fans choice as well. I’ll skip the games at this point, but monitor SoxTalk for updates.
  7. He was placed on waivers at least once and had zero takers, so zero prospects were needed to acquire him, just the desire to pick up his contract and whatever baggage he may carry / still carry. As always with this organization, be careful what you wish / ask for, because fans typically get something even worse than what they formally had or were facing. I didn’t listen to any Clevinger appearances last year, skipped these games including buying tickets. I rationalized the other four games by chalking up his signing to the hallmark Reinsdorf organization lack of managerial competence versus knowingly signing someone with ongoing domestic violence issues. This despite the fact they very well knew of his toxic clubhouse issues in Cleveland and San Diego. Before deciding to boycott White Sox baseball for a third time, until MLB approves a new permanent non Reinsdorf ownership, I will wait to see whether Getz and Clevinger address concerns regarding his clubhouse presence, management of his domestic violence proclivities, including how the MLB mandated personal therapy sessions may help him better manage his interactions with his children, family, and society. I believe people should have a chance at redemption if they are truly remorseful and try daily to improve and become a better person. The Golddigger walk up indicated he (and the White Sox) still had significant issues that needed to be resolved last year, including the fact that the club was indulging his worst impulses. The one positive is there have been no public news items or even rumors of new domestic violence issues since he signed last year. Getz at minimum needs to have an open honest public discussion addressing legitimate fan and societal concerns regarding Clevinger. If Getz fails to properly address these concerns, and or Mike Clevinger fails to answer legitimate questions as to how he is working to become a better person, then I’m done until MLB approves a non Reinsdorf control person down the line, assuming that ever happens. Jerry ultimately signed off on this, regardless of whether Tony La Russa and or Getz approved Clevinger’s recruitment and signing.
  8. In the 124 year history of the franchise, there was a single stretch eight year stretch between 1948-1955 when the Sox had their lone stretch of a cumulative losing franchise record. 1947 .500 (3,544-3540-77) 1948 .497 (3,595-3,641-79) 1949 .495 (3,658-3,732-79) 1950 .493 (3,718-3,826-81) 1951 .494 (3,799-3,889-82) 1952 .494 (3,880-3,972-84) 1953 .496 (3,969-4,037-86) 1954 .498 (4,063-4,097-87) 1955 .500 (4,154-4,160-88) 1956 .501 (4,239-4,229-88) Jerry Reinsdorf has positioned the team to broach this level of infamy. With a 49-113 record this season.... 1980 .502 (6,179-6,128-99) 2023 .502 (9,553-9,491-103) 2024 .500 (9,602-9,604-103)
  9. The A's record was played under the original 154 game schedule. The modern 162 game schedule record is the Met's inaugural season (40-120 with 2 rain outs). The Tigers record you noted is the worst non expansion modern schedule record. The A's started 10-40 last season, then went 40-72 the rest of the way.
  10. Sox should have hired Liam's wife Kristi as bench coach to help spot these things proactively.
  11. There was talk he was tipping pitches. Hope he figures it out.
  12. Yoan has had a solid start to the season. Keep the line moving Luis!
  13. Radio announcers more balanced. DJ calls it like it is. Has praise when warranted.
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