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WhiteSox2023 last won the day on October 9

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  1. And light years better than the stiffs they have had at QB since Roethlisberger retired.
  2. It’s a running theme, just like the parking lots.
  3. Yeah, that’s the worst part and even scarier. Like Getz was almost immediately admitting that the trade was a mistake.
  4. The Sox rotation should be interesting once Schultz and Smith arrive, but that maybe 2026.
  5. It was definitely the right move. Caleb can actually throw it. Meanwhile, Fields is still the same guy… 14/24 for 145 passing yards, 0 passing TDs 11 rushes for 59 yards, 2 rushing TDs
  6. It was really his only bad pass in the game. ESPN 1000 was also talking about how the OL has gelled together since the team has basically kicked Nate Davis to the curb with a BS “soft tissue” injury. “Soft” is right.
  7. You mean you weren’t happy with a “sorry” letter from the owner shared like a press release?
  8. Yes, the rotation should be interesting. Bullpen could easily be crap again but I don’t see the lineup scoring enough runs for them to win many games.
  9. The guys on the ESPN 1000 postgame don’t seem to think so. They referenced his halftime interview in which he sounded defeated and like he was already informed.
  10. They couldn’t turn one asset into an average starting position player.
  11. I responded to a post that mentioned the GM. What is the problem?
  12. Caleb and Kmet, players of the game so far.
  13. Kmet scores a nice TD and is now our long snapper as well.
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