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  1. Even more ironic and hilarious, both Chet Lemon and Steve Kemp finished their careers with the exact same OPS — .797. Except Lemon was a stud defensive CF and Kemp played LF. Also… Career WAR Chet Lemon: 55.7 Steve Kemp: 19.5 Oops…
  2. Awful. He hit 17 with the Sox and later hit 17+ in 6 seasons with the Tigers, with his single season high being 24 homers. Meanwhile, Steve Kemp topped off at 26 homers in one season and played left field? 😩 Analytics definitely weren’t a big thing back then because they would have said that along with his gold glove defense in CF (how did he never win one?), he was likely among the most valuable players in baseball, and he was still young at only 26. So brutal… He was basically a way better Mike Cameron.
  3. Since this era of baseball was before my time, may I ask why in the holy fuckballs the Sox traded a 26-year old, .874 OPS, two time All-Star (at that point) center fielder for anyone, much less Steve Kemp?
  4. Yeah, I am not sure I understand the strategy. I know these guys have to get MLB experience sooner or later but the Sox simply don’t have enough talent on the offensive side to get things jump started yet.
  5. I don’t think they want to call up Montgomery yet and I would hope they don’t. I would also be surprised if Lopez gets claimed, even for the small remainder of his $4.3 million salary. Teams will wait to see if he is just DFA’ed and released if they have any interest. If a man is needed, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mandick is the next man up.
  6. I assume he’s not being used as a starter to keep his innings down for the year?
  7. How this guy is still getting playing time is beyond me. How much more do the Sox need to see from Sheets to realize he’s bad?
  8. The BR bleachers were packed in the first half. After the first half blowout and a little drizzle in the second half, a lot of people left.
  9. Your friends are intelligent fans and remind me of many posters here. 🫢
  10. Do the Sox continue to do this to save Jerry some money? What is up with this? They have been doing it for the last few years.
  11. Jimmie Maxson is the 6’4” WR and St. Rita transfer. Tyler Lofton is the big RB transfer from Marian Catholic. They both look legit so far. Unfortunately, they are both seniors so they will be one and done. #9 is LB Charlie Barkmeier and he is pretty good. CJ Gray is the QB and he is a junior. He has gotten so much better throwing the ball since he was a freshman. He used to mostly run but now he is gunning it around. Here is a video of the throw you are referring to: https://streamable.com/3q06o5 It was such a blowout that BR benched their starters after the first half and the refs invoked the 35-point rule and ran the fast clock in the second half, which was great. Here’s the recap… https://www.shawlocal.com/friday-night-drive/2024/08/31/brother-rice-football-cruises-past-phillips-50-0-in-season-opener/
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