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  1. So what? Does that mean he’s now incapable of recognizing the mistake and firing him?
  2. It runs counter to everything Mike Shirley has done otherwise.
  3. I think Pedro would be gone already if it were up to Getz
  4. Nah he’ll still have tons of trade value in the offseason
  5. De Los Santos has a 40% chase rate playing in the PCL. I’m not a fan of this for the Marlins.
  6. If the White Sox would’ve taken Mike Sirota and Peyton Stovall, nobody would have an issue. The thing is though, none of us have any idea if those two players are better than McLain and Antonacci.
  7. I mean I guess this is fair but which difference could they have taken with the $1.3 million spent on those two guys? We’re talking about day two. Smith and Bonemer need to be difference makers.
  8. Right but Sirota’s apparently contribute to his underachieving.
  9. They lose Prager and can’t spend the slot amount from pick 81 in this draft but they get pick 82 in next year’s draft.
  10. They think McLain is better apparently.
  11. Skepticism of this franchise is always warranted and these are fair criticisms. I didn’t know much about McLain, Saucke and Antonacci as they came off the board. I trust the recent success of the area guys who recommended them though. Now we just need to see if they’re right.
  12. I was mostly confused because I didn't think they were paying any of the players in 6-10. I also wasn't expecting Bonemer to be quite that much. I think the amateur scouting department is pretty good. I'm not going to assume that I know more than them on Casey Saucke and Sam Antonacci. What if they took Saucke in round 3 and paid him $847K as an underslot and then took McLain in round 4 and paid him $800K as an overslot signing? Would it still be an issue. I just don't think it's a big deal as the class comes into focus. Also, I'm still waiting for an explanation on what they should've done instead. I have a feeling I'll be waiting awhile.
  13. They were underslot in round 3 and went over in 4 and 5 but basically didn't get true 5th or 6th round players because of it. I'm still struggling to see what the issue is and I haven't seen another path presented.
  14. What's the biggest issue with the financial allocation that people have? This is essentially what the White Sox did. Hagen Smith: $8 million at 5th overall. Caleb Bonemer: $3 million, equivalent to 29th overall Blake Larson $1.4 million, equivalent to #61 overall, 2nd round Casey Saucke :$857K, equivalent to 3rd round Nick McLain: $800K, equivalent to 3rd round. Sam Antonacci: $550K, equivalent to 4th round. Aaron Combs: $250K, equivalent to #219, 7th round Pierce George and Phil Fox: equivalent to #261, 9th round. Liam Paddack: $172K, just outside of round 10. In theory, they took one of the best players in the class at 5. Then they traded up for another first rounder. They added a 2nd, two 3rd's and a 4th but they didn't do anything equivalent to rounds 5, 6 or 8. I'm seeing people take issue with Saucke and Antonacci the most. That's fair. I understand why the White Sox didn't play it straight in this draft class though.
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