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whitesoxwinner last won the day on December 4 2021

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  1. Normally, public funding for a stadium district wouldn’t bring in the benefits to match the cost, even in the long term. This is a unique case, though. The city is trying to manufacture a new neighborhood, a huge plot of land that is only losing the city money at this point. There is so much more to the deal than we know about, and I doubt Jerry and the developer would be confident going to the state without some back room approval from the city. And if it’s simply the first offer in public negotiations, it’s not that bad of a starting point
  2. I wonder if Sam Mondry Cohen gets promoted to GM. I would be in
  3. TLR and Jerry gonna meet with Pedro today! we just can’t quit him
  4. Bryce Levine: “I would keep an eye on the Mike Rizzo situation”
  5. Kap saying hahn didn’t want to trade burger. Complete Kenny move
  6. Kap confirming on espn1000 that Rick tried to resign multiple times, but Jerry wouldn’t let him work anywhere else
  7. You deserve your flowers for that read up. Some have hated on you today when all you’ve been is proven right.
  8. Nightingale conveniently left this out when posting Kenny’s statement. Just hilarious
  9. Wasn’t this a part of your off-season article lip man? A lot of that stuff has come out to be true. Like the fractured clubhouse
  10. great point here. Purely Bruce Levine’s dumb speculation
  11. You don’t fire Kenny and rick in the middle of august if your plan is Getz and haber. There’s a reason for the timing
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