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bmags last won the day on February 12

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About bmags

  • Birthday 07/26/1986

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    Oak Park, IL

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    Arizona White Sox (Rookie)
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    2006:Most MusicalPost of the Year

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  1. He can only handle thinking about one team. So if he wants Cards to get fedde, he'll mak eit light. When it's focused on the team trading, he gives way too much. It's why he was a good gm...
  2. Was going to say we needed another arm but then I saw your text at the bottom.
  3. Insane they even needed to sign him to a contract. Should have just made him hourly.
  4. I was thinking last night how boring each game had become. First five innings, good SP. I’d be thinking “hey maybe we can eek out a 1 run win” They come back and we go down a run. I go to bed and think “now they are gonna score 6 runs in the 8th and 9th” I wake up and we lost 10-2 or something. Rinse and repeat. f*** Jerry Reinsdorf.
  5. Wolkow with a triple (also 2 Ks)
  6. Hoping he can make it work in the bullpen at least.
  7. Well known college player George Wolkow.
  8. Nobody cares about prep players going overslot, nobody here is mad about going overslot for bonemer and larson. The yankees sixth rounder was a draft eligible sophomore at LSU, so it makes sense why they would need to overslot. Peyton stovall was only 7k under in the 4th, and again, their fifth was a draft eligible sophomore, so they can go back to school with leverage. The white sox picks were college juniors, and they also damn near paid slot to a college senior. Those kids do not have the leverage others do, and I don't think the sox played this budget well. You are right about the cardinals though, I posted that earlier.
  9. I think for a team that consistently fails to keep its farm depth at an acceptable level, they are not maximizing the budget to bring in as many strong players as possible. I think Shirley is fine at finding talent, but no scouting director is perfect and not pushing to have that extra $260k that went to college juniors in 4th and 5th rounds could have well been packaged to get another top 250 player or prep player they liked. And after the last 10 years, I really don't want to hear push back on how some little things aren't big deals. Because not being able to execute the little stuff like International classes one year, or maximizing the budget in a draft class, or selecting the right 40 man both adds up and shows you are unlikely to execute the big things. Let's just say I'm more optimistic on their trend of investing in tall, lower slot lefties than leading the pack in moving college talent down to their draft pick via overslotting and it paying off.
  10. You last week: You were confused about how they spent all their first 10 rounds given the selections! Then you found out that it was on overslotting for Saucke and Antonacci, and are tsk tsking anyone that points out its odd that the sox continuously overslot their college selections while other teams often don't. Stupid sox fans, taking media rankings over the word of our very talented front office.
  11. Yeah that would be interesting if every team was paying overslot for their college selections and not just the white sox and As, the premiere organizations in sports.
  12. You are right. Sorry. Sox had 20 picks to select players, and all were alive. It's a big win. Who are we to judge.
  13. Listen, the talent may end up being fine. I'll check again, but before it was only the cardinals that overspent the slot on multiple college players. I don't give the sox the benefit of the doubt when they veer from the rest that they executed well and it was all part of a new brilliant plan. It may very well be that they had a small group of players and they walked them down the board with higher slot bonuses. But even then I'd wonder if we were overconfident in these evaluations.
  14. Yeah, and this losing streak is happening after it was "stabilized". Pham was brought in, Eloy is back. Vaughn isn't ice cold (maybe he is I can't bother to look). Our pitching has 3 legit starting pitchers. Despite that, it's still same old garbage where the team built for improved fundamentals is still getting laughed at on defense with baserunning miscues and poor choices. It's a joke.
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