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About whitesoxfan99

  • Birthday 05/30/1985

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  1. Especially a team that’s actually had pretty good luck in terms of health. The pitching has stayed remarkably healthy all year and the 3 guys who got hurt among the position players are always hurt.
  2. His peripherals weren’t good before this. Going to be brutal after this.
  3. This is an insanely lucky start. Tons of hard hit balls and tons of base runners all game.
  4. One lotto ticket in Gowens. Shuster and Schewmake are trash and were always going to be trash.
  5. And he didn't dominate that league. ERA of 4.35, home run rate of 1.2 per 9 was quite a bit higher than league average of .9, and his K rate, while good at 10.9 wasn't dramatically higher than the 10/9 averaged in that league.
  6. Even for this organization that would be unfathomably dumb. Fans don't care about trash players.
  7. Shuster and Schewmake were obviously trash when they were acquired. That entire trade was a hope and a prayer that Soroka would revert to a level he hadn't been at in 5 years.
  8. But why? Really mediocre hitter at this stage and plays terrible defense.
  9. Baseball is hilarious sometimes. Twins hammered 4 balls last inning with nothing to show for it. Sox hit the ball very weakly in consecutive at bats and score a run.
  10. Yep, he might take a little bit of a discount for security/injury risk but he is still going to want elite pitcher money to get extended.
  11. He's played 130 games one time in 4 full seasons. Has not even played 100 games the other 3 seasons (including this year where he almost certainly won't). And lol at $20m per WAR in free agency.
  12. Never should have been hired the first time. Was downright laughable the second time. A purely nepotism hire and his teams no matter who he is coaching never have a plan in attack.
  13. Yep, Shuster's BWAR is totally luck driven. His ERA is more than a full run lower than his FIP and his expected ERA and expected FIP are much worse than his FIP.
  14. He can’t run or play defense anymore. No one is going to be fooled by a few mediocre weeks at the plate.
  15. 2 of the outs that inning were just luck. Really lucky to only give up 3.
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