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  1. In fact the brand is not fine as we have seen countless national articles detailing the disaster that is the brand. Who said we wanted them to go all in? I said it does in fact matter when you have a franchise crippling season, not merely a bad team. Also would have been nice if Getz would have been up front with customers and not lied to them about rebuilding. Yet another failing with this franchise, they cannot be honest with customers … Ever.
  2. The Cubs are about to finish a second rebuild. There is a generation of kids growing up and not giving the Sox a second thought. And who can blame them?
  3. Making a mockery of the sport and destroying your brand, possibly permanently, in a year you can’t pick higher than 10 doesn’t matter? That’s a weird take.
  4. When Michael Jordan had input on coaches that was a player whose opinion mattered. When anyone on a team with the most losses in history has an opinion on a coach they can be DFA’d if they don’t like it.
  5. You don’t think it is ludicrous that a GM would get the perspective of players would played on the worst team in the history of baseball? That speaks volumes. You continue to make it obvious how obtuse (intentionally or not) you are. Nobody discounted all the games the Sox won under Sizemore. The only games being discounted are those in the last week. I’m done. You sought me out, not vice versa. Welcome to my blocked list.
  6. I don’t think you know the difference between guys having opinions and having their opinions matter in the hiring process. If they like Sizemore that’s great! If they want a say in Sizemore being hired … they were the worst team of all time, they should get no input. You are certainly slow on understanding that poor performers don’t get to choose their bosses. Very slow. Games in that last week certainly count in the standings but not in decision making. Sizemore underperformed Grifol until he ran into teams mailing it in, then he rallied to have a winning percentage still well under .300. Yes, an inspiring figure, that Grady Sizemore.
  7. No, I’m discounting his victories the last week of the season against the second worst team in the league and a hungover Tigers team that would not have been going through the motions had they not clinched on Friday night. Did you even read the post?
  8. I said they are worthless because they were the worst team in the history of baseball. They weren’t a 75-87 team that played .500 the last month. And Grady Sizemore was the beneficiary of playing the second worst team in the league and a hungover Tigers team the last week of the season. Before that he had a .205 winning percentage, below Grifol’s .239. Bruce Bochy he is not.
  9. I just don’t think he knows the difference between people writing their opinions on the internet versus the argument being made that a bunch of garbage players should have their opinions taken into account during a managerial selection process. He’s a confused one. He seems to be of the belief someone made the equivalent claim that SoxTalk opinions should be taken into account by Getz and Reinsdorf. Maybe someone did but I sure haven’t seen it. Even though the opinions of fellow SoxTalk posters are by and large better than Reinsdorf and Getz nobody here made the argument the management should consider our opinions. Not a critical reader, that guy.
  10. Derrr, who is pretending that guys on the internet think their opinions have any weight? You think there is anyone on this board who thinks Chris Getz and Reinsdorf puts any stock in their opinions? Which posters think that? You’re not good at reading the room, are you?
  11. I’m not sure any stock should be taken of the opinions of players on the worst team of all time. A decent team, maybe. This disaster area, it’s laughable the players would have any input.
  12. Still got to beat the bad teams. If Arizona doesn’t lose to the Sox they are in the playoffs.
  13. Sizemore played with Cleveland so they can sell that as an outside hire.
  14. Yeah I'm just taking issue with every close game being an instant classic. Anyone remember the Phillies game from the other night?
  15. They also used it the other day for the Castellanos game for the Phillies. They used it in the first round in Milwaukee series, must have been for the game three home run.
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