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  1. Imagine if they wasted a year with a legit GM.
  2. This. Just call the game. You don’t have to be Dick Vitale or even a homer like Hawk. Just call the game like you enjoy the game of baseball.
  3. Just can’t refrain from commenting though, huh? Couldn’t just read the thread title and say “It is a non issue, I shall not comment or even read it.”
  4. False. Ozzie Guillen was cheered at the end when he was diminished. Carlton Fisk. Paul Konerko. Jose Abreu. Harold Baines. You make these blanket statements that have no basis in reality. One difference. The aforementioned never antagonized managers.
  5. Why don’t you write Jerry Manuel and ask him to hu he chased Thomas out of town? Or ask Kenny Williams why he called Thomas an ass? You act like fans are the only people doing this for no reason and here you have people close to him who don’t like him. Doesn’t that provide you any clues at all?
  6. At least Thomas had the decency to become a full time DH. The sight of him diving for balls is like Jimenez climbing walls. Something neither of them had any business attempting.
  7. I remember it as a foot injury as well.
  8. And he got it from his dad because he was too young to know anything but thinks he knows more than you who was an adult during the era and went to 80% of the games.
  9. Don’t get in the way of his misinformation.
  10. Grandal may be a POS but he is a guy who is not a fan and dealt with Anderson daily who didn’t like Anderson either.
  11. I’m not taking sides I’m just saying it’s not just fans who didn’t get along with the guy. Both Manuel and Williams had public feuds with him and the fans see this in the paper. The OP acts like fans boo in a vacuum. Sometimes true, not in Frank’s case.
  12. Kenny Williams and Jerry Manuel had it out with Frank Thomas in their primes. Tim Anderson was isolated from teammates when it was announced he was an all star. Grandal slapped Anderson in his prime. Sox fans didn’t boo these guys in a vacuum.
  13. Of course Kenny Williams also called him an asshole and Jerry Manuel bounced him from spring training. It wasn’t just dumb Sox fans that didn’t like the guy.
  14. Nah, he dragged them out of the dumpster in his first tenure. The Kessinger era was awful.
  15. Comparing LaRussa and Lamont is apples and oranges. Lamont took over a team on the rise that had finished second two years in a row and was loaded with Thomas, Ventura, McDowell, etc. LaRussa took over a dumpster fire from player-manager Don Kessinger. This is not to admire LaRussa but he always was a superior manager to Gene Lamont. Also in his recent stint here he was clearly senile and out of his league.
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