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Milkman delivers

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Milkman delivers last won the day on November 1 2023

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About Milkman delivers

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Charlotte Knights (AAA)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    It gives me something to do for hours at a time when I'm bored
  • Soxtalk Awards
    2006: "I Told You So" Award
  • Favorite Sox player
    He'd get hurt or traded if I said his name
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    That guy with all the hits and runs and homers
  • Favorite Sox moment
    Frank's walkoff double in 2000 against the A's, Milkman scores winning run on hit by Durham against the Cubs in 2000
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Herbert Perry and Jose Valentin

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Grand Master

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  1. Looks like we might have been better off losing that year by not hiring Getz, huh, JR?
  2. Wasn’t enough to just ruin your own life. You had to drag us all down with you.
  3. It’s far worse than that. Anger would mean they care. The (former) fans just do not give a s%*# about the team anymore. It will take a lot of work and several years to win them back.
  4. That starter looked terrible, too. Seemed like they were gonna score some runs today in the first few innings.
  5. The worst season in professional sports history so far. The Sox will likely still be in professional sports next season.
  6. I do. Seems exactly like a Sox thing to do.
  7. I have at least two blank jerseys. Should they break the record, I’m definitely having the number of losses sewn onto the back of them.
  8. What are some people’s stance on spanking? I’d love to hear from you all.
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