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Milkman delivers

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Milkman delivers last won the day on November 1 2023

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About Milkman delivers

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Charlotte Knights (AAA)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    It gives me something to do for hours at a time when I'm bored
  • Soxtalk Awards
    2006: "I Told You So" Award
  • Favorite Sox player
    He'd get hurt or traded if I said his name
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    That guy with all the hits and runs and homers
  • Favorite Sox moment
    Frank's walkoff double in 2000 against the A's, Milkman scores winning run on hit by Durham against the Cubs in 2000
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Herbert Perry and Jose Valentin

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  1. Ha, everyone is already talking themselves into it being Brown. That’s who it’s gonna be.
  2. I know it’s a while away, but give me a Bills-Lions Super Bowl. No matter what, a long-suffering fanbase finally gets their championship. Having said that, it’ll be Chiefs-Eagles or something.
  3. Good call. I was thinking the Texans. Lions didn’t cross my mind.
  4. I’m not working around the paywall, but why the hell would they mention the Bears being better than six teams, and then only mention four by name?
  5. Took me longer than I’d like to admit to realize that Eberneezer was Eberflus.
  6. Man, imagine being the first crappy coach to be fired in-season in the 100 year history of a team with many, many crappy coaches.
  7. As just a fan, the challenge seemed like the right call at the time. I’m pretty sure it showed that he was clearly in.
  8. You joke, but that’s probably the quickest route to becoming the Director of Minor League Operations.
  9. Please come up with nicknames more clever than Eberass and Eberloser. They don’t even flow. Maybe like Eberfool? Or Eberlose? You guys are better than this.
  10. They absolutely wouldn’t. But it’s nice that Williams was the obvious top choice by almost everyone, because now it cements how bad the Bears are as a franchise.
  11. I’d say Allen, John, and Parker should get in. I actually figured Tommy John was already in. His numbers plus inventing that surgery should be an automatic in.
  12. Another Chicago coach being kept around way longer than they should when everyone knew they needed a change. How fitting.
  13. Sounds like neither the coach nor the QB will be beloved.
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