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Balta1701 last won the day on March 18

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About Balta1701

  • Birthday 01/22/1981

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    2005: Rookie of the Year2006:Leftist of the Year2007:Lefty of the Year2009: Lefty (DEM)
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    He Who Must Not Be Named
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    October 26th, 2005. Sitting in a class with my computer open on MLB's gameday.
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  1. More likely that they will just pick up MMs option in May and release Lee. MM is great behind the plate, the announcers will tell you so.
  2. He has an option for next year too. Being terrible last year didn't stop him from getting $4 million based on reputation for grindy veteranyness.
  3. I know they're bad, but this would be seriously bad, like beyond what we can fathom. That 2003 Tigers team was incredible. A guy lost 20 games. They were saved from being a 40 win team literally by the White Sox. The As last year couldn't keep up being that bad. This would be a challenge.
  4. I have literally no idea what this refers to because it could be so many things.
  5. Modern era is 36-117 by the Philadelphia A's in 1916, a .235 winning percentage. The worst recent one was the 43-119 Tigers in 2003. I believe that season got them the draft pick that became Verlander. I believe that something like 10 of their wins came against the White Sox, IIRC, and had the White Sox gone several games better agains those Tigers it could easily have put them into a tie with the Twins. 2018 Orioles, 2019 Tigers both won 47 games.
  6. Martin should not be an option as he's less than a year out from TJS.
  7. During the offseason after 2022, we heard reports of both Moncada and Grandal having major back issues during the year. It made sense given the big struggles of both of them, so I believe for Moncada it's at least been 2 seasons now.
  8. When they finished paying off the penalties for Robert's signing after 2018, they looked to have a good amount of money to spend, and they did spend it. They added something like $40 million to the 2019 payroll along with commitments for 2020, followed by two larger contracts in 2020. Because Rick Hahn was the GM, half of that money was spent on over-the-hill relievers. At least as of now, I don't feel compelled to try to hang Getz with what was clearly a problem with Hahn's strategy. They did so in the Rick Hahn way, but they had money to spend and they did spend it.
  9. Being reactive to soreness and injury rather than expecting him to have some limits and being proactive about giving him extra rest or putting limits on his pitch counts early in the season is totally a questionable decision. Someone claiming that this is what they should do would be considered an extreme hot take too.
  10. Even if that happens, they will have plenty of money to spend. They have about $50 million guaranteed counting Robert, Benintendi, Fedde, and a handful of buyouts including Eloy's at $3 million and Moncada's at $5 million. Filling out the rest of the roster with minimum salary guys would leave them a $65 million payroll, and that's without considering whether Robert, Fedde, or Benintendi could be moved during 2024. They could spend $50 million and still have a serious payroll cut.
  11. If we're really strategic about it - clearing out Moncada, Eloy, and most of the other money the White Sox have on the books will leave them some room to spend this offseason. One thing we have seen recently is that, if you're patient, some of the better FAs may be available at the end of the free agent period on short term, low money deals. Matt Chapman had a helluva weekend for San Francisco, as an example. If they got tolerable seasons out of a couple of their kids, and they stole a handful of 3 win players on opt-out contracts at the end of free agency, could they at least push themselves into the AL Central discussion? With how the free agent market worked this year, it seems plausible.
  12. Chad Kuhl and Touki Toussaint are already on Charlotte's roster, so they have the waiver claim options if they want to use them. I don't know why they would bring Nastrini up over one of those guys, or pitch Crochet on 4 days rest rather than those guys, because both of those seem like better options. Getz, however, seems to be focused on rushing guys and using them as aggressively as he can.
  13. I'm hoping that they are counting on their being a weather cancelation and just have to make it look good.
  14. While it might not apply to all of them - Colson being up this year, Thorpe being up this year, Nastrini being up now - these guys are definitely being moved aggressively enough that some serious struggles might be expected at the big league level.
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