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Tnetennba last won the day on March 7

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    Armour Square Park

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  1. 112 losses and counting, yet his job is secure…
  2. Stanton is cheap and Dipoto can't identify productive offensive players to save his life, but the organization from top to bottom is in far far better shape than the White Sox. Not that it matters, Dan Wilson was named manager, not interim, when Servais was let go, so they won't be on the hunt for a new manager this winter.
  3. I believe he requested that his option not be picked up after Kim Ng was shown the door, and Miami obliged. Or something along those lines.
  4. Huh, Mr Deer In Headlights at his into presser is a little surprised his team of washed up has-beens and never-were's is flirting with the modern era loss record. Good to know he is as dumb as he is bad at his job...
  5. Biding his time until he can go back to Japan and rake...
  6. I just don’t see Schumaker coming here. He will have options, it’s far too early for him to commit career suicide.
  7. No doubt. Incompetence trickles down it seems.
  8. Why are they so bad at even the simple things?!
  9. That particular detail makes me question how much power Getz actually has over staff. Not that it absolves him of anything, but if he really were unaware that Tosar would soon be getting the ax, yikes. Neither scenario shines a particularly good light on the man's smarts, baseball or otherwise.
  10. And which game was that? Seriously, how many games would a team full of Chris Getz's win? Would said team win more games than the team he himself constructed?
  11. There's optimism, and then there is complete disconnect from reality...
  12. Chris Getz is the epitome of failing upward. He should have never been put in charge of minor league development, yet here he is the architect of the worst team in the modern era of baseball. In any other org he would be laughed out of baseball to never be heard from again. Yet, his job is completely secure and he will get another crack at record setting futility thanks to arguably the worst owner in sports.
  13. 110 losses and they still haven't figured out they should play the kids. Make it make sense.
  14. Correct. He was so bad that the M's resorted to putting Garver back at C despite having barely caught over the past few years.
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