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Tnetennba last won the day on January 23

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  1. There's also Dom Canzone, who they seem intent on finding regular AB's, and Haniger's corpse taking up a roster spot. DH is fairly wide open, but I get the sense they will rotate guys through over finding a regular. I would take Robert over anyone not named Julio, but Seattle ownership is cheap and the FO seems content with what they have. I just don't see them pursuing Robert before the deadline, if at all.
  2. Mariner’s OF is already pretty crowded. They have the prospects but I just don’t see them making a splash at this juncture.
  3. There was mention of a Score interview a few pages back. My guess is that the story has gotten enough attention that JR wants to quash the speculation. Or he really loves destroying our hopes and dreams. Not that both can't be true.
  4. Everything he says publicly these days feels like a leverage play.
  5. And they’ll get way more with less control than Getz did🤦🏽‍♀️
  6. If Rojas isn’t at 3B it’s basically a wasted roster spot. I hope Venable doesn’t try to shoehorn a bad defender in at 3B.
  7. I was about to say. It’s also a relatively new facility. And if the Sky needed a bigger space, the UC could accommodate summer WNBA games without needing a separate stadium build.
  8. I give him until the 3rd inning of the first regular season game before he's picking fights on air again.
  9. Which is entirely possible. The issue isn't signing Flexen per se, it's the history of this org burning gobs of money on the fringes of the roster expecting it to make a difference. Which is something Hahn did a lot, as did Getz in his first year. Perhaps Getz is learning that he can get equal value from an NRI and doesn't have to lock up bad players with good money.
  10. Thanks for continuing to misconstrue what I actually said. I in no way said that Fegan isn't a journalist. If you read it that way, that is 100% your bias getting in the way. I went searching for corroborating articles to Fegan's and only found blog posts, not accredited journalists writing for their respective outlets. I did not do an extensive search, and obviously I missed other articles written by DVS, Passan et al. I have done paid writing for a blog, and I sure as hell am no journalist. That is the distinction I used after my very cursory search. But if that is too difficult for you to understand, so be it. You failing to understand my post and blowing it out of proportion is not a me problem.
  11. That's how I interpret it as well. Or a meagre attempt to distance this regime from the last, despite being part of the last.
  12. Maybe a very in over his head GM didn't understand that all the guys he gave guaranteed deals to could have been had on minor league non-roster invites?
  13. The debate was never actually about the validity of Fegan's work, but it was misconstrued as such.
  14. You completely misread my statement. I'm not attacking Fegan, he is legit and one of the better credentialed writers to cover this sorry ass team. I'm debunking @WestEddy's unsubstantiated claims used in an attempt to dunk on me for questioning his almighty holiness Chris Getz. I will continue to stand by my statement that it is premature to state unequivocally that Getz has brought about foundational change in the front office. We don't and can't know this yet. Yet. We need actual evidence that Getz's efforts to change the White Sox FO modus operandi is working, and it's too soon to know either way.
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