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Tnetennba last won the day on October 19 2024

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    Armour Square Park

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  1. His hands were completely tied don't you know. And then when given control he engineered the worst team in modern history. But that wasn't his fault either. Ugh.
  2. Holy s%*# we need actual baseball to talk about...
  3. Funniest part about this Whatabout defense of a non-tender worthy 1B is that if the Sox cut him loose, how many of those teams with equally bad 1B would be lining up to give Vaughn $6M and a starting job? I would venture not many. At least with those other guys there is a history of good production, which can't be said about Vaughn.
  4. This might be his biggest payday. Hope he's saving his pennies. 1B with below average D and warning track power aren't in high demand.
  5. Dalbec hit 25 hr in 2021, which is more than Vaughn ever has in a single season. Too bad he has since forgotten how to hit.
  6. Thank You Cincinnati for saving any of my teams from doing something stupid.
  7. These two don’t even make this team a contender for a .500 season.
  8. Rojas played a damn good 3B for the Mariners last season and is equally capable of covering 2B. The bat leaves a lot to be desired though, which is likely why the M's non-tendered him. Odd that he would choose to come to this mess, cuz I can't see Getz giving the 3B job to anyone but suckass Vargas.
  9. I love Josh Rojas with all of my heart and I simply won't stand for such slander! But, you're not wrong.
  10. 157 plate appearances after a mid season trade might not be a large sample size, but he's had over 500 AB's in the bigs. At some point we have to stop clinging to his former prospect status from years ago and look at what he has done in the Majors. And his Major League numbers aren't pretty, which, to me, are more predictive of who he is and will be than his AAA numbers or prospect ranking from years past.
  11. This. Both of these guys are likely inconsequential, its the process that is flawed and baffling.
  12. I'd rather keep the low-A bullpen arm honestly, even if he never amounts to anything. Which, knowing the GM's track record for development, seems pretty likely.
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