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Autumn Dreamin

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Autumn Dreamin last won the day on March 9 2024

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  1. Some uncharacteristic wildness from both big lefties, but ultimately 2IP scoreless for both. Schultz helped out by two GIDP, Smith by a GIDP and a pickoff.
  2. Rojas slides from 2B to SS to replace Amaya, Gonzalez takes over 2B. Veras and DeLoach in for Tauchman and Robert.
  3. If you would like an alternative way to track who is starting/batting where: https://tjstatsapps-spring-training-lineup.hf.space/ Just select Sox in the dropdown.
  4. Grant Taylor has comically good stuff. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/player-scroll/game?gamePk=779018&player_id=691799
  5. He got rave reviews from instructs if I recall correctly.
  6. He's also a bit of a menace.
  7. Nice, I was hoping they'd get another appearance before heading to the MiLB side.
  8. McKenzie is one of the few (two?) Guards I like, so I hope he can get right.
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