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BamaDoc last won the day on September 25 2023

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  1. Knebel has four scoreless outings for AAA. Likely replacement after trades?
  2. https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=07/26/2024 https://www.milb.com/scores/all/all/whitesox Bham with two. Barons face Mathew Thompson in one of them. Davis Martin for AAA.
  3. I saw his line and first thought was reinjured. Hopefully not though weird to hope just a bad outing.
  4. https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=07/25/2024 https://www.milb.com/scores/all/all/whitesox Nastrini, Iriarte, and Batista scheduled but Bham was rained out yesterday so not sure if Gowens might pitch vs skipped. Either way , if they all pitch a interesting group.
  5. I bet barring further injury, Taylor gets some time in the fall league. He is at 19.1 innings and looked like 4 innings was his max. He was moved to the 60 day DL on 6/12 so roughly Aug 12 if all goes well. He might get another 20-30 innings counting fall. Think 85-100 in 2025 between A-A+. Not pushing the level may allow more innings since less stress? Maybe to 125 in 2026 between A+ and AA. If he is healthy and doing well perhaps things accelerate and he gets to AAA in 2026. If that is a reasonable plan goal, I wouldn't push him to MLB when he is hitting his max innings. MLB 2027? looking at 150 or so innings. If you know next year is noncompetitive at the MLB level, we should prioritize health over pushing people to the MLB level.
  6. Brizuela with five scoreless for A. Recent promotion. 21 yo rhp. Anyone know more?
  7. Nice start for Bush. Five innings,one run, one hit
  8. https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=07/24/2024 https://www.milb.com/scores/all/all/whitesox Burke for AAA, Gowens AA
  9. https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=07/23/2024 https://www.milb.com/scores/all/all/whitesox Bush for AAA.
  10. https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=07/22/2024 https://www.milb.com/scores/all/all/whitesox Mon schedule. Haven’t seen Moncada anywhere for awhile.
  11. https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=07/21/2024 https://www.milb.com/scores/all/all/whitesox Eder and Adams listed.
  12. Davis Martin 4 scoreless for AAA
  13. Schultz listed as starter in second game. That’s two good pitchers going for bham today.
  14. If Smith 8.5, 2.5 and 2 for the HS, you have 13 already.
  15. First, I understand the money spent on the draft by MLB is part of the collective bargaining agreement with the MLBPA. Listening to Shirley discuss the draft, he was clearly frustrated by how NIL was impacting what HS and college players were asking for. There is a high bust rate on draft picks and this year there was a lot of talk of getting higher draftees at discounts. Many picks in rounds 5-10 were to save money involving seniors with no leverage and less chance to actually succeed.. With these data points, is there any chance the structure of the draft changes to compete with NIL? I could see taking some money from higher picks and spreading it down to lower rounds in the top ten rounds? Second, any talk of firmer payments via slot more like NFL. Finally, do they need to raise from 150k to 200 or 250 in rounds 11-20 before it counts against your pool? Any of the guys with connections hearing anything? Jimmy Harold others?
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