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Tnetennba last won the day on March 7

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    Armour Square Park

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  1. He's in over his head and is an embarrassment, but not for the reasons you've stated. He can't make teams meet his demands. Embarrassing here would be selling Robert and Crochet for pennies on the dollar. The Pham's of the world will be gone soon enough, once buyers pivot to lesser needs.
  2. If the White Sox want to win, they only need to change absolutely everything about how they operate. No biggie.
  3. Clase probably drops out of the M's top 10 after this year had he stayed in the org, so who knows how Toronto views him. He was very expendable and I'm honestly surprised he's all it took to acquire Garcia.
  4. Meh. Doesn't move the needle much IMO. But that's what you're going to get when you hug protects to death.
  5. Yimi was one of the best available pen arms. I'm ecstatic!
  6. Getting hurt while on the active roster accrued a hell of a lot of service time.
  7. Between Locklear and Vosler, they have two young but unproven 1B on the roster already. They need actual upgrades, not a guy that's already proven to be a bust.
  8. Totally agree. I can't see them ponying up for Robert now.
  9. I think Getz needs to prove that he's capable of not fucking it up before we can actually believe it. It's like the reverse benefit of the doubt.
  10. Robert and Kopech leaving on the Mariner's charter? I like the sound of that.
  11. Their starting staff is too good this year to squander. Yes their offense has been dreadful, but they are still in a virtual tie with Houston for 1st. Mariners fans would riot if they waived the white flag at the deadline.
  12. They could upgrade any of 1B, 3B, RF, and DH. Arozarena feels like a good upgrade to fall back on in case they can't upgrade elsewhere. They didn't dip into their top 10 though, so there is no reason they can't add another impact bat and a high leverage pen arm before Tuesday.
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