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The Grinder

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The Grinder last won the day on September 23 2023

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  1. Will likely be our 3rd 100 loss season. Unless JR either sells the team or sells the farm
  2. Wasn't Mark Buehrle a low draft pick as well? He turned out pretty good
  3. It's funny. But not too far from the truth
  4. IIRC he was a Chicago native? I liked him best when he was the shrink
  5. Hagen seems like a total stud. I feel kinda bad for him that the World's worst baseball team drafted him Let's hope we don't ruin him
  6. We're pretty much dead last in every category aren't we?
  7. Pedro took a dump and now he's rolling around in it
  8. We are looking at 71 losses at the ASB. 27 wins. At least with that few wins We can remember each one
  9. I predict crash and burn
  10. Isnt this like the 100th time we've taken lead into the 7th and wet our pants?
  11. There might be some validity to the term. Or it could just be another "overthink" stat. Either way I'm glad Bummer is in Atlanta
  12. Live and let live. Whatever makes u happy is alright with me
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