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joejoesox last won the day on January 29 2023

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About joejoesox

  • Birthday 02/12/1980

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    Peoria, IL

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Charlotte Knights (AAA)

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  1. by far the most incompetent franchise in baseball, even worse than the Angels.
  2. trying to understand the logic behind keeping Ethan Katz, like what the hell has he done to earn a major league coaching position, he isn't qualified at all
  3. People laughed when I said 39-123
  4. Unintended consequence of not blowing up the coaching staff, they're blowing up the fan base instead lmao. This team won't recover from this travesty for a long time, they 100% deserve it though
  5. 60 power, 40 hit according to MLB.com
  6. Crochet nuking his trade value and the future of the White Sox all in the same day, dudes a beast
  7. no, what changed between yesterday and today? nobody was saying Crochet's value was shot yesterday
  8. Bob N said it's a 3yr deal and they're letting him go after this year
  9. I don't watch the games obviously but has Grifol been doing anything like substitutions or bullpen usage that would suggest he's throwing games on purpose
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