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TaylorStSox last won the day on November 4 2024

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  1. The Sox receive the most prospect points and every post in this thread is negative.
  2. Caufield wants to he part of the in crowd so damn bad. It's like high school freshman stuff.😂
  3. Arod was big and stiff and still an incredible SS. Obviously Montgomery isn't Arod, but it's still possible. If being a mediocre SS makes Montgomery a better player, it's worth the time. There's literally no risk for us.
  4. The big difference between us is that I'm going to pull for Vargas like hell, and you're going to hope he fails. You'd rather hate everything White Sox and be "right" and I'd rather have the White Sox just be good. It's the nature of this message board now.
  5. Agreed. I'm still fine with giving Vargas another year. I do like the tools. He looks mentally broken though.
  6. The Fedde trade looks bad right now, be it's not because of Kopech. Although people are really undervaluing Albertus and Perez.
  7. Would anybody be shocked if Leasure and Wilson are lights out this year and suddenly have value? This is the nature of relievers with good stuff.
  8. Kopech has pitched 2 good months in 5 years. Let's not pretend he was a commodity.
  9. Bummer had a 6 era when he was moved. Getz struck out in his reliever flip signings, but they were relievers and we all know they're fickle. None of them were signed to win games. They were signed to build trade value. Luckily, he nailed Crochet as a flip candidate and turned a reliever with absolutely no value into a starter with ace value.
  10. Nobody's "attacking" me. It's a message board. Relax.
  11. None of that is Getz fault. Getz took over a franchise in the worst shape possible, the absolute worst. Turning Crochet into a highly valuable asset and getting 4 legit prospects for him is the most important move he's made this far.
  12. Hahn did a fantastic job accumulating talent, but failed to have any organizational philosophy, roster cohesion and didn't continue to build and develop infrastructure. The beginning of his rebuild was A+ though.
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