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TaylorStSox last won the day on August 27 2023

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  1. Literally nobody is saying Getz is doing a bang up job - literally nobody. A handful of us realize he took over the very worst situation possible. He took over a team where every single asset failed other than Cease and Lopez. He took over a team with a notoriously bad owner, hardly any MLB assets and a bad farm. What's he supposed to do? I wish we had a different GM, but I'm not going to hate Getz for the Sox situation.
  2. Yeah, they're bringing Iriarte up to appease the 18 fans who even know who he is. Some of you guys need to touch grass. In reality, they're probably getting his feet wet in hopes that he pitches well, has a good Spring and might be able to fill a back end starter role next year.
  3. On one hand Sox fans think their players are lazy and only care about image (Moncada, Eloy, Robert), and then it's the manager's fault for being too hard on them. I think there's a certain part of the fan base who just masturbates to anything negative because they think it makes them edgy.
  4. I like that you guys are diagnosing and creating a treatment plan for an injury Montgomery may, or may not even have.
  5. Stanton being 34 years old really makes me wonder where the time went. Damn, that makes me feel old.
  6. Nobody hits high fastballs consistently. He loads late to let the ball get deep. He's better going oppo. I'd like to see him open up a bit more so he's quicker though.
  7. Not a huge fan of the follow thru, but when he clears his hips, his swing looks great.
  8. It's sink or swim time for him. There's no reason to not keep running him out there every day.
  9. So pure. He's like a LH Richie Sexson.
  10. Low expectations and a solid farm. Why would anyone have agreed to manage Baltimore 5 years ago? They were historically cheap, poorly run and in a much tougher division.
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