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  1. I still like baseball and this is a baseball site, so I frequent the board. I also don't let sports get me emotional. There's already 10 posters saying the exact same thing every single day. We don't need 11. Jerry's a terrible owner. No s%*#.
  2. If you get off on elder abuse, that's on you. I'm gonna pass.
  3. He's 88 years old. What do you want? Do you also go to your local Walmart and cuss out the 83 year old greeter for asking to see your receipt? Watching an 88 year get humiliated because his baseball team sucks doesn't seem like a lot of fun to me. I couldn't give a s%*# about Jerry, but I'm not going to get any pleasure out of watching an elderly man drool through a press conference.
  4. I'd like to lock Crochet up and sign some solid clubhouse guys that can provide a positive environment for our prospects. I'd like to have a good defensive team that helps our pitching. I think I want a lot of Crash Davis'. Hopefully that environment will provide some growth and give the Sox an identity that the franchise can build on. Finding a handful of solid 1 WAR, fundamentally sound veterans would do wonders in helping us create a culture and foundation. I think that's was Getz tried to do with DeJong, Lopez, Pillar, Pham etc. I think that's what Getz tried to do this year, but getting no production from Robert, Moncada and Jimenez took us from bad to all time terrible.
  5. Everyone knows the entire franchise is pure trash. Repeating it ad nauseam changes nothing. Protesting changes nothing. This can either be a website that is an echo chamber of "no s%*#, we suck" or the website it used to be - full of highly knowledgeable fans who understand the situation, talk about the nuances of the sport and makes s%*# loads of great, sarcastic jokes. I miss the days of this board having tons of hilarious posters that were Sox fans but always had a charm. I remember when fans of other teams used to follow this board because it was dry, sarcastic and hilarious. Maybe a lot of the posters have moved on. Maybe we're just all too old to be funny. Man, I miss the old Soxtalk though.
  6. We're going to need some luck and it involves, Ramos, Sosa, Montgomery, Quero, Elko, Fletcher, Baldwin, Perez, Zavala, Albertus, Gonzalez. At some point, the law of average has to start breaking our way. Yes, I'm mostly relying on hope and luck. Thank God I'm not the GM. I still think Montgomery can be a 5-6 WAR player. His patient approach and his smooth, natural swing is unteachable and effortless. Other than him, our only true superstar level prospect is Wilkow. Wilkow has the frame and swing of a next level talent, but he's so far away that he should be worried about homecoming more than becoming a star baseball player. I also think Bonemer has elite, game changing talent, but he's years away., I would prefer to be hopeful and supportive rather than just shitting all over these kids who don't deserve it
  7. It seems pretty obvious young hitters aren't available in the trade market. The only we get better over the next few years is to have a collection 2-4 WAR players. It's not going to be through stars.
  8. It's either that, or that he's 88 fuckin years old. Obviously a terrible owner, but watching an 88 year old get embarrassed by the press isn't going to make me feel better about the Sox future.
  9. We haven't really "seen this all before." Kenny was a minor league director of ops, who became a moderately successful GM, with a very cavalier attitude, which ended up burning him out. Hahn was an Ivy League educated contract guru, who became one of the most sought-after execs in baseball for a number of years, assembled a team of prospects who failed, and was fired. Getz is a former player and baseball lifer who was most likely over-hired and he's trying create a controlled fire to burn it all down - some of which is his own mess. Getz isn't like any GM we've had in my lifetime. He'll probably fail, because White Sox, but I'm not going to hate the guy for trying. I just don't understand all the hate. It's just a fuckin game and he's doing his best. Motherfuckers need to touch some grass and give the guy a couple years. Yeah, I'd prefer a different GM, but that's not what happened. At some point, being a decent human being supersedes my mouth breather sports fan bias and I'm just not gonna be a psycho and post 6000 times a year because I thought a trade sucked. To each their own.
  10. Nothing Getz says actually matters. The only thing that matters is what he does moving forward. The odds are against him, but I wish him the best. I just don't get the vitriol towards him. It's not like he's doing this on purpose. As I always say, sports are dumb, and the mean spiritedness heading his way is ridiculous.
  11. MiLB stats: 199 IP/238K/0.95 WHIP Before he got hurt, he had a 3.03 ERA over 7 starts. He won't be an ace, but to say he won't be a successful starter is just really stupid based on pretty much every metric and advanced stat available. I guess we should go back to trusting the "eye test" though. Very White Sox of you.
  12. The more I think about it, the more I think we have to lock Crochet up. He's a beast with insane peripherals and has already had TJ. We'll never get fair value in the trade market. The trade market is dead. He wants to be here. It does wonders for optics and helps the Sox identity. If there's one thing the franchise does really well, it's developing pitching, and Crochet is a monumental success. Pay the guy, promote it and let's use it to our advantage.
  13. Shut him down? They literally just did. LOL. He won't pitch again this year. Trust me.
  14. In this climate, teams aren't willing to trade top 100 prospects and they're not letting their players get to free agency. You might as well extend him because the days of building a team through trades are over.
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