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Posts posted by Sox80

  1. 3 hours ago, reiks12 said:

    Im finding myself wanting the Sox to lose in embarrassing fashion day in and day out. I would be even happier if they break some records along the way. Worst record is still on the table, the shutout record, worst OPS record, etc..

    I consider myself a diehard fan, but what kind of fan wants their team to fail miserably? We can only draft 10th next year so why am i feeling this way? I dont quite know what to think anymore. 

    does anyone else feel this way?

    I'm sorry why can they only draft 10th?

  2. 22 hours ago, Timmy U said:

    I think you're better off either signing folks at the top of the market like Judge or Correa or bargain shopping the leftovers like Cueto last year.  The real sucker's bet is the consolation prize shelf of mediocre yet cromulent-seeming players that are often priced for that "fill multiple needs" approach.  Case in point, the Wheeler signing aged way better than the Keuchel signing. Better to spend more upfront than waste it all on the back end.

    Tripping over a 20 to pick up a dollar is the white sox mo.

  3. 59 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

    Why did the Sox acquire him if that's now/retroactively being held against him?

    I don't know.  As I said I don't have enough information. My only thought was without actually being part of the clubhouse.  We can only speculate on the root of the problem.   It's obvious TLR needs to go. That is for sure. 

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