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Posts posted by sec159row2

  1. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Mar 1, 2006 -> 11:28 AM)
    The only Vito & Nicks I ever heard of is on like 85th and Pulaski.  It is pretty famous for their ultra thin crust.  If I had to pick a fav of that style of za ir would be them.


    Weird thing is when I was growing up around there...I remember it being Nick and Vito's, but now everyone tells me Vito & Nicks.  I know I'm not insane...it used to be the other way around.  Anyone know what I'm talking about??



    what do ya need to know about vito and nicks???


    Vito opened a bar (not exactly sure where the first one was but he settled at 79th and carpenter) just a shot and a beer joint. Vito's wife and their son nick started making pizza for the regulars. Nick was a union carpenter at the time. Well the pizza "legend" started to grow to where vito put his sons name on the business. As the 79 and carpenter area started to change (sorry Leo grads) and vito's passing, nick looked west. He moved to 85th and pulaski. The story goes that he owned the land from the alley to the street from where tobars bike shop was to the light at 85th. rumor also had it that McDonalds leased their land from nick and payed in MCD stock. the reason for vito and nicks or nick and vito's... Nick put the palce in the phone book under both names, but the sign in the window still says Vito and Nicks. move ahead 50 or so years... nick's second daughter donna opened vito and nicks two in sandpiper plaza ( sw hwy and ridgeland?) donna's health took a bad turn and her older brother nick took over and moved the business to 95th and roberts road. nick then opened in orland square mall (fazaoli's building). more rumor... nick closed in orland park cause he never paid orland sales tax... and franchised the 95 and roberts location to his ex-brother in law. as i under stand it after Nicks passing the oldest daughter rose got control of the pulaski restaurant and bought Lemont Lanes. she currently runs both. but the situation gets legal cause her brother nick sold a franchise that's located at route 30 and wolf road? and another somewhere in plainfield, it's legal cause rose owns the names and her brother is selling things that leaglly don't belong to him. Gotta love family. any questions??? the pizza is still the same in pulaski and lemont, don't know about the other locations.

  2. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 30, 2006 -> 07:51 PM)
    To get it back we want a plane, and a bus to get us there and some food.


    ATTICA! ATTICA!  ATTICA!  ::starts marching back and forth pandering to cheering crowd::


    /golf clap to anybody who knows the movie reference




    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 29, 2006 -> 11:05 AM)
    YAS, it is no different than Nuke flaming members of the left.


    And this pic isn't directed towards you -- it is just kinda-on topic and so I thought I'd throw it into the discussion.





    on topic??? ON TOPIC????? I STARTED this topic and it didn't include anything about "the hollywood homosexual agenda"... you guys just hyjacked my thread!!!!!!!

  4. somewhat sarcastic.. somewhat serious...

    is there any similarity to the way this tunnel was built to the tunnels they find in Gaza that terrorists use to smuggle weapons? other than being underground are there features, ie. concrete floors/ pully systems, that could prove arab builders/diggers??? maybe the drugs were just a diversionary tactic??? and squads of bad guys are streaming into the USA???

  5. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 27, 2006 -> 09:20 AM)
    Then stop voting that way.  Kick a hound dog enough times and they can learn, voters should be able to do so as well.


    And no, I didn't mean to offend with my post (I did intend to deride people who repeatedly vote for a party that screws them over, however).  I have family by blood and through marriage that call themselves rednecks, but I'll strive to refrain from using the term.


    Or maybe I'll take a cue from the African American community and help steal that hateful, hateful word back for the community it has been so very hurt by it.  Next time I see my wife's family I'll give them a big. "Whassup Mah' Neckaz!" and see what they think.





  6. reading all this political stuff I'm wondering, am I a republican or democrat or independent... I grew up in Chicago and always punched the straight Democratic ( i don't think my precinct even had republican ballots) button, mostly cause my friends stayed employed that way... the current president was the first republican I ever voted for, mainly cause I think Gore is/was a boob... and then the democrats ran a billionaire in 2004... my interpretation a filthy rich boob... vote GW again... this is not to say GW is not a boob, just the lessor of two evils.... now for my political views... I believe in a womens right to choice, I do not believe in a womens right to Murder( abortion) a womens choice comes when she decides to open her legs ( rape is handled in a legal/medical manner ) .... Marriage is between a man and a women... but "partners" should have some tax/health benefits, like married couples... Gun control...I don't own one cause I meet at least one person a day who should be shot, and I would use my weapon to shoot that person. My defense.."your honor this persons brain stopped functioning years ago, I just sent the messege to the rest of their body" but i think there are plenty of responsible gun owners who should have their toys... I don't believe any American tax dollars should leave this country.. NONE ZIP ZERO... sorry europe, mid-east, everywhere else the American money faucet is dry... I don't think government can tax the crap outa cigarettes and then tell people where they can smoke... I'm a non-smoker, and smokers pay for the right to smoke where ever they please... Privacy... whoever is tappin my phone must be real bored, I don't think I'm so important to believe the government wants to keep tabs on me... listen all you want... why should we care about bird-flu... 'cause in the 80's we were told we were all gonna die from AIDS... so AIDS will kill us all b4 the bird flu gets here... Immigration... the more the merrier, just remember we speak english here, and we pay taxes, and we don't kill our daughters 'cause they are becomming too "western"... so I guess i lean more toward republicans, but i don't make enough money to consider myself a republican. I consider myself an "isolationist" but don't see anything wrong with immigration, as long as they follow the laws... but i'm a democrat to keep my friends employed... I"M SO CONFUSED...

  7. QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 11:16 AM)
    There's no mention of them recognizing Israel's right to exist. It says they want to liberate "all of Palestine".



    does that mean that Iran's gonna nuke palestine???






    AGAIN GREEN MEANS I'M A JERK... :headbang

  8. the palestinians don't have to worry about the isrealis, Iran's gonna take care of it... :ph34r:






    the entire region does not want peace... cause then they won't get our tax dollars anymore

  9. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 04:41 AM)
    I wonder if he'll try to walk naked in prison as well.  :bang



    i thought this was gonna be an original joke... oh- well... not the first time I'm farther back in line...

  10. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 12:22 PM)
    I was down there around 11am or so when they pulled in, but I saw that same truck that you saw.  The communications on that thing have to be insane.  The anntanae were huge and thick.  That had to be somekind of satillite equiptment, to go  along with some well armed Secret Service guys.


    Some musicians, athletes, actors, etc think they have an entourage, they don't have s***.  They need to see how the Pres rolls.


    I saw him pull away... pretty impressive operation...

  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 11:47 AM)
    I went down and saw it, it was pretty wild.  Probably about 8 motorcycles, 6 police cars, and half a dozen SUVs that sandwiched in the limo.  They had everything closed down bigger than life, you couldn't even cross the street to or from the CBOT, or walk anywhere East down Van Buren.  I did get to see the limo from about 20ish feet away or so, but they drove directly into one of the garages to let him out of protected from everyone else.


    if this was when the motorcade pulled out I was standing right next to you... and what do you suppose was inside that large black truck that was parked on Lasalle, facing north, that fell in behind the SUV with the antenna's???

  12. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2006/1/...1649.shtml?s=et


    this link kind of applies to both threads I posted it in... sorry if it isn't..


    upon further review..... I googled some names out of this article and these guys were arrested, BUT... all their targets were in Europe... so the wiretapping is correct, the plot /targets media agenga is suspect... but consider the sourse right... newsmax...

  13. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 05:05 PM)
    An organization that hides child rapists for decades, even in the cases where it would benefit a common good is an organization whose credentials for being a moral compass should be severely.


    From giving Galileo house arrest because he dared to say that the Earth revolved around the Sun to the condemnation of liberation theology (and in as such, Archbishop Oscar Romero et al.) to their promotion of the global AIDS pandemic to the Spanish Inquisition to the consent of the slave trade....


    To the blatant support of fascism and the Nazi Regime (read: Pius XII)  From The Secret History of Pius XII: After World War II, murmurs of Pacelli's callous indifference to the plight of Europe's Jews began to be heard. A noted commentator on Catholic issues, Cornwell began research for this book believing that "if his full story were told, Pius XII's pontificate would be exonerated." Instead, he emerged from the Vatican archives in a state of "moral shock," concluding that Pacelli displayed anti-Semitic tendencies early on and that his drive to promote papal absolutism inexorably led him to collaboration with fascist leaders. Cornwell convincingly depicts Cardinal Secretary of State Pacelli pursuing Vatican diplomatic goals that crippled Germany's large Catholic political party, which might otherwise have stymied Hitler's worst excesses. The author's condemnation has special force because he portrays the admittedly eccentric Pacelli not as a monster but as a symptom of a historic wrong turn in the Catholic Church. He meticulously builds his case for the painful conclusion that "Pacelli's failure to respond to the enormity of the Holocaust was more than a personal failure, it was a failure of the papal office itself and the prevailing culture of Catholicism."


    A few mistakes is understandable but with all of these consistent errors to stop progressive movements and even take steps towards regression show that it is pretty much deliberate to keep the church ideology from evolving to help people.


    I believe that's what the kids call getting 'pwn3d'.  An organization with such a history should have no place being the beacon that proclaims itself the moral compass and moral leader of the world.




    Are you Dan Brown???

  14. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 09:20 PM)


    I ate there last year when my parents came down.  That place was packed, and I can see why.

    are the porterhouses still $15.95? zagreb is the only place i'll order a porterhouse ... it is a fantastic cut of meat...

  15. Is "little Zagreb" still in Bloomington Indiana????


    or totally off the beaten path... Gino's in harvey... it is east of halsted at about 161st...

    although i guess bloomington IN is also off a beaten path


    and the always packed Jack Gibbons Gardens... great steak, but their salad is lettuce .... that's it...

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