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Posts posted by Gr8Sox

  1. Is the new ballpark going to be called US Cellular Field, leaving out the entire Comiskey heritage? Or, is US Cellular going to be nice and let the Sox keep some of the charm that comes with out a sopnser name on the park?


    How does US Cellular Field at Comiskey Park sound?


    I just am a little mad that we are only getting $68 million for this and that the Comiskey family name will be gone from the park.

  2. I was driving south on Wentworth yesterday and I noticed that the outfield light towers are now painted black. Kinda cool. In addition, the upper deck concourse appears to have a covering over it, suggesting some contruction work. Does anyone know what's going on up there?

  3. I think that Vanderwall would be a nice fit in the Sox OF. But maybe, if Aaron is not ready for opening day, Jerry Manuel will start Joe Borchard...


    What the Sox need more than an outfielder to compliment Lee and Maggs is a clear #5 starter. How would Esteban Loaiza or Chuck Finley do as the #5? Are these guys going to be too expensive or should we just rely on Rauch for our #5.


    Any other quality Free Agents out there...

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