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Posts posted by backman

  1. A Question about Doubt-


    (I don’t know if this spoils it in any way-so if u didn’t see it and you want to don’t read this)


    It begins by following a boy on his way to church, giving the impression that this boy is important to the story. Throughout the movie he is shown and is seemingly an active part of the plot or at least we are lead to believe he is. The movie comes to a close and it seems to end without tying the boy into the story. I don’t understand what separates him from the other children in the school, and I was wondering if I missed something or if the movie didn’t tie up this loose end.

    Either way I would appreciate your take on this. Thanks

  2. The colt’s offence is solid and their defense comes up big when it has to. It has been an easy first couple of games against bad offensive opponents. The test will be New England and Pittsburgh. These are probably the only two teams that will give the colts any trouble this year. Lucky for them they will face both of them before the playoffs. They need to win as many games as possible, and lock up home field. With out home field it is going to be highly doubtful that they make it to the super bowl let alone win it. But as of this moment they are the best team! (GO COLTS!)

  3. Picture yourself watching the game and listening to two commentators one from each team. It starts off with boasting stats, and it ever so gently escalades into heated arguments, that eventually ends up in the two focusing on each other and not the game. It would be havoc, imagine trying to pay attention to the game in front of you why’ll these two people keep stealing your attention. You could never have this, but I wouldn’t mind seeing this maybe once.

  4. Maybe it wasn't a velocity problem maybe it was the fact that the padres just hit Hermanson well? He did pitch in the division last year? maybe its just one of those teams hitting a certain pitcher well.

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