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Posts posted by bighurt4444

  1. QUOTE(MEANS @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 01:01 PM)
    while i agree that winning the division may eliminate this "choking" burden, they better win the first game of the the first round or else the pressure is right back on them.



    The pressure of course will be on in the playoffs. But what I'm saying now is that it is more of a "we can't lose because everyone will remember us as chokers" pressure. If they get into the playoffs, the pressure is there to win, but if they don't win, the consequences won't be as long standing. Only one team can win the World Series every year, so 7 teams lose in the playoffs every single year. But nobody has ever choked away a 15 game division lead before. These are two different types of pressure in my opinion. If they can hold on to win the division, I think we'll see the Sox loosen back up and win at least one series in the playoffs.

  2. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 11:13 AM)
    Then allow me to elaborate.


    There is no value in losing, IMO. Losing wears on an individual's confidence. The more times Aaron Rowand leaves runners on base the more confident he becomes that he can drive them home? Does that make sense?


    I think you and others are trying to find the silver lining in losing to the Tigers. Good luck with that. I find no value in losing to the Tigers when the division title is so close you can almost taste it. I don't think losing to the Tigers will make you more confident going up against the likes of the Angels, Yankees or Red Sox next Tuesday. If anything, losing to the Tigers in a big game with loads of pressure makes me wonder, "Gee, how will they play against the Yankees with even MORE pressure on them?"


    If you're looking for how the sox play in playoff type games then look to last week's series with Cleveland. That was a playoff series right there. And I"m sad to say we dropped 2 of 3 at home. That probably won't get it done next week either.


    I don't want the Sox to learn anything from losing - I want them to win and keep winning and not stop until they're on a grandstand in Grant park.



    Thank you. That explains your stance a lot better. And I agree with what you are saying. I want the Sox to win and keep winning just like you. I don't think that losing to the Tigers is a confidence booster either. I am probably trying to find a silver lining, but that's better than just being like everyone else and constantly complaining about the Sox. I know they aren't trying to lose. They want to win these games just as much as we want them too. I am very disappointed with the way that they've played, but I think if they can avoid this collapse, a big burden will be lifted off of their shoulders and they can get back to playing the way the did earlier in the season. For the Sox to win this division, they are going to have to win a couple of big games down the stretch. Those wins will help them with their confidence going into the playoffs. It sucks that it had to get this close, but if they win the division, that's momentum heading into the playoffs.

  3. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 10:49 AM)
    In a word...NO



    Can we get a little insight on your "no" comment? If the Sox breezed through the division and won it by 15 games, these players would have no idea what the pressure in the playoffs was going to feel like. At this point, I think all these players that have very little playoff experience are learning really fast what playoff-like games are going to feel like. At this point, every game is huge. I think that there is indeed some benefit to having these types of games before the playoffs start. Would I have loved the Sox to win the division by 15 games, of course. Would they have loved to win it by 15 games, of course. But it is what it is, and I think these players are getting some much needed experience in big games. So to simply answer this question in one word is just not well thought out enough.

  4. Guys, I know this sounds a little funny, but could this major stumble at the end of the year actually help the White Sox in the playoffs? Here's my thinking: Right now it is very obvious that the Sox are playing very tight. They are, to me, looking over their shoulder and know what the implications would be if they lost this division. They know it may go down as the biggest choke job in baseball history. That is a lot of pressure!


    In my opinion, going down as one of the biggest chokers in baseball is a lot more pressure than the possibility of losing a first round playoff series. Teams every year have to lose playoffs series and even get swept in the playoffs, but its not every year that a team blows a 15 game division lead. My thought is that if the Sox bounce back and win this division, they will be very relieved and will then play much more loose and care free once the playoffs start.


    This is the most pressure the Sox will feel all year! If they can survive this and win the division, I truly think the Sox will win at least one series in the playoffs, and maybe more. I also think that if the Sox do blow the division, but still make the playoffs, they will lose quickly in the first round. The blowing of the division lead will still be on their mind and they won't be ready to get over it that fast.


    That is why I think it is very important to get it together, step up to the pressure, and win this division. If they can do that, they can make some noise in the playoffs!

  5. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 09:41 AM)
    Get ready for:

    -Garcia to give up a run in the 1st inning.

    -The Sox hitters to s*** their pants w/RISP.


    Other than that, anything can happen.

    Hopefully, the Sox can win consecutive ballgames for the 1st time since September 6-7 tonight.


    :gosox1:  :gosox2:  :gosoxretro:  :gosox4:  :gosox3:



    Way to get this game thread started on a positive note. Too bad you are probably correct! Anyways, here's to a Sox victory. :cheers

  6. Sorry if this was already posted, but I read on the "other" White Sox website that McCarthy will start in place of El Duque on Thursday. I think this is a great move. I think it is at least one start too late and that he should have replaced El Duque earlier, but I think McCarthy is perfectly capable of continuing to pitch like he has recently.

  7. Can we just get rid of the trade winds section all together? All it does is remind Sox fans that they didn't make any moves. I think that would be a good step in moving forward with the season. Its time to focus on what the Sox do have, and not what they didn't get.

  8. QUOTE(the People's Champ @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:51 AM)
    McCarthy will not be in the rotation!




    You are right about that. My guess would be the rotation would go something like this:


    1. Buehrle

    2. Garland

    3. Garcia

    4. Contreras


    El Duque needs to go to the bullpen for the playoffs, maybe even now. I think McCarthy can pitch just as well as El Duque from here on out. Just my opinion.

  9. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:46 AM)
    Sounds an awful lot like something a Cub fan would say.


    No, it sounds a lot like what any "normal" fan would say. We call that the gambler's fallacy. For example, if red comes up 10 times in a row in roulette, you would be the guy who would bet the house on black on the next spin because it HAS to be black. In actuality, the past spins have ZERO to do with what is going to come up next. Just like the past ten years performance has nothing to do with how the Sox will perform this year. ITS A DIFFERENT TEAM! Oh, please don't accuse me of a having a Cubs mentality. Talk about personal attacks. :D

  10. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:30 AM)
    The part of the Patton quote that fits is "I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed" You've prepared yourself for them losing by saying it all year...so when it happens..no big deal.  You have no heart invested in it.


    I think they're winners.  They won 80 games and have the best record in the American league....I'm not talking about what they did my whole lifetime...I'm talking about now.  This team has nothing to do with the team 5 years ago, 10 years ago or 80 years ago.  They share the same name...that's it!!


    Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is a pretty s***ty way to root for a favorite team.  It doesn't even sound fun.


    I agree 100%. People bring up, well I feel this way because the Sox haven't won since 1917. So what! 2000 has nothing to do with this year. The Sox have what, 1, maybe 2 players now that they had in 2000. How many do they have from the 1993 team? This is not the same team as past years, so to talk about past seasons is stupid. This year the Sox have won 80 games this quickly, this year the Sox have a 7 game lead in the AL Central, this year the Sox have the best record in the American League, this year the Sox have a great pitching staff. This year the White Sox could win the World Series. People who have the always negative attitude towards this team are crazy.

  11. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:12 AM)
    The Patton quote doesn't really fit.  If we're Americans and we love winners, then why the hell would any of us love the White Sox?  They haven't won anything in any of our lifetimes.


    We're fans because we love this team, not that they're winners.  In fact, saying we love winners is like switching your allegiance every year to whoever wins.


    Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.  That's my take.  I'm hoping they'll do something miraculous, but I'm preparing myself for the more likely scenario that they'll fall flat on their faces like they've done so many times before.


    So you go into every game preparing for the Sox to lose? That sounds pretty boring and negative to me. Is it just me or does anyone else go into every game with a positive attitude. I usually don't take to the strategy of thinking the Sox are going to lose, but oh, I will go or I will watch because they might win. To win the World Series this year would not be miraculous. There is no one dominate team out there that everyone says, well theres your champ. Boston doesn't have the pitching, Anaheim is very similar to the Sox, the Yankees don't have any pitching, Oakland has good pitching and decent bats, but they can be beat. Who do you say, the Sox have no chance against?

  12. In my opinion we as Sox fans have two choices. (A) We can just give up on a team that has a 7 game division lead, the best record in the AL, and one of the best pitching staffs in baseball. We can say forget these guys, they have no chance to do anything in the playoffs anyways, so why bother. Or (B) We can do what any real fan would do, and forget about the fact that the Sox couldn't pick anyone up via a trade, get out to U.S. Cellular Field, and cheer on our favorite team. Cheer like crazy, make U.S. Cellular a true home field advantage, and make this team feel like we believe in them.



    This team is not done!!! They have some players, that if they can get hot and play up to their potential offensively, can make this season something special in the postseason. If you think this team is dead in the water, then you're crazy. At the beginning of this season, the Sox could have beat ANYONE! I feel that they can get back to that form before the postseason begins.


    Guys, this is what we all want. We want to cheer a team that is going into the playoffs. We all want a winner. Well, you are looking at one. Personally, I am going to enjoy September and enjoy October as well. Once you make the playoffs, anything can happen. I truly believe this team still has a chance. How can we expect this team to bouce back, if we can't even do it as fans? Get over it, get on your feet, and cheer on your White Sox! Thats what I'm doing.

  13. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 12:08 AM)
    6 out of 7 times concedes a game once every 7 games.  That is basically Ozzie's mentality right now with the lineup, and it's a rather stupid one.


    Rest them 1 at a time, 2 at the most.


    Oh, you're right, I'm not saying play your regular lineup for 6 days and then play all of your backups in one game. I just mean that all the starters will be playing 6 out of 7 days a week, and not getting 2-3 days off every week. It drives me crazy as well when Ozzie unloads the bench on us and we have to watch four backups all at once try to win a game.

  14. QUOTE(S720 @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 09:44 PM)
    YOU CAN NOT PLAY THAT LINEUP EVERYDAY.  They will break down by the end of the regular season.  You have to sacrifice some games so that the regulars can have their rest.  Stop criticize Ozzie.  Let him do his job.  For one thing, your knowledge is NOTHING compared to Ozzie's.  Period!


    Maybe you didn't read the post. I said this should be the lineup 6 out of 7 times. That allows players time off. If you did this all season, your players would get over 20 games of rest. That is plenty. Make sure you read a whole post before you respond.

  15. QUOTE(the People's Champ @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 03:19 PM)
    Maybe you should give Jerry a call, tell him to let you take over


    Well, thats not a bad idea. I promise you that if I took over, the Sox would have a more set lineup on a day to day basis, and that the starters would be on the field 6 out of 7 days every week. Maybe we should start a petition or something. :lol:

  16. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 02:56 PM)
    And Ozzie, pitchers usually wear down the last month of the season, especially if they've been throwing a lot of pitches all season.  Feel free to take them out an inning early once in a while.  We have the best reliever in baseball who hasn't been used much at all recently (Cotts) and some other very competent relievers.


    El Duque is 36 going on 75. He can only pitch so long. You would think at this point Oz would know when Duque is going to hit the wall. Sorry, but all of us here knew it was time for Hernandez to come out well before Ozzie realized it.

  17. Just in case Ozzie forgot, the everyday lineup should go something like this:


    1. Podsednik

    2. Iguchi

    3. Everett

    4. Konerko

    5. Rowand

    6. Dye

    7. A.J.

    8. Crede (when healthy) Blum now

    9. Uribe


    This is the lineup that should be playing 6 out of 7 days a week in order to win this division. The lead is now at 6.5 games, not 16.5 games Oz. Just thought he might need a reminder of what this team looked like earlier this season. Get it together and get your starters back into 90% of the games!

  18. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 01:28 PM)
    thats really all you should expect from the bottom of the order and the bench players.  The middle of the order needs to step up.


    And someone needs to re-do their field.  The hops are absolutley terrible.


    Texas doesn't seem to be having any problems with these bad hops.

  19. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 11:53 AM)
    Walker is NOT a #3 hitter. And no Gooch???  :chair



    Yeah, Walker is really not a #3 hitter at all. He doesn't have the power or RBI ability that a 3 hitter needs. I think Walker is a good #2 hitter. I know, I know, Iguchi has been great there this year, but say the Sox move Iguchi down to like the 6th position where he doesn't have to give himself up as much and can swing away. I think Iguchi could be a .300/25/90 type of player if the Sox let him swing away a little more. Just one option if they are looking for more production from the lineup.

  20. QUOTE(valponick @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 11:52 AM)
    I just don't understand the lineup today, it's frustrating.  We are WAY beyond the point of trying to rest guys, we should be more worried about trying to wrap up the division.  I don't see how this lineup is going to produce more than 5 hits and 2 runs today.



    I say this lineup will get the Sox 4 runs today. Will that be enough? Probably not.

    With Dye and Rowand being so hot, I think someone will get on base for these guys once or twice and they will make things happen. Just trying to be positive here.

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