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Calderon's Crew

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Posts posted by Calderon's Crew

  1. QUOTE(Disco72 @ May 12, 2005 -> 07:29 PM)
    Where were you tonight Calderon?  Besides, a real die hard would stay an extra couple days in July to see a Sox game with his best friend.  Write that into the contract!


    In addition to all the great posts, you know you are a die hard Sox fan when you're girlfriend refuses to call during game time, post game time, or any period where Sox highlights are on.


    At least I didn't miss watching a game to go see Sweet Home Alabama with my GF.


    :P :whip

  2. Supporting the team when they lose(even though you hate it). Watching every game on MLBTV because I moved to Costa Rica. Having it written in your contract if the Sox make the Playoffs you can fly to Chitown to see our boys play!

  3. The ALCU is a joke. They spend more time on b.s. like this and nothing about real issues, Patriot Act etc.


    Any chance they could put a twins logo above the "I love my Vagina" shirt?

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