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Posts posted by SoxnGiants

  1. I'd like to see him get consistent time at SS. I think these next few weeks offer that in AAA. If he can offer decent defense and a plus bat for SS, that's a great asset to have. I also love the way we've handled him. Moved him along as appropriate for his success in the minors, gave him a taste of MLB pitching to give him something to work on and then let him get his at bat's in AAA. Average is low but mostly a factor of bad BABIP for his norm. Still a very good OPS despite the dip in average.


    Very good prospect imo. I think he's a decent to good MLB starter in the future.

  2. Danish, Ravelo having great seasons has been a real nice treat. Both young for their level, both dominating their level. I think its safe to say both have exceeded expectations by a good bit this year. Rodon gives us that star power we've lacked (other than that brief time Abreu was considered a prospect). Adams looking so good this early has also been a nice bonus. To me, they more than offset the massive disappointments in EJ and MD. I'm of the opinion that 20 HR power is not unrealistic for Ravelo as he matures. Not great for a 1B but not a liability if his hit tool is legit. I'd begin to try him at LF or back to 3B or something though.


    Beyond that, we also have a slew of prospects that sure flash potential to be decent or better MLBers - Anderson, Johnson, Semien, Sanchez, Michalczewski, Hawkins, Montas.


    I look at our system and see guys that might end up being very good MLB players. Not sure we've really been able to say that much recently.


    Makes the futuresox game recap threads exciting to follow each day.

  3. As long as the team didn't move to a city where I have an existing rivalry with fans. I am located in Atlantic Canada so no geographical ties to the city of Chicago (have never been there actually) so I am a outlier to this question, I realize, but as long as the move didn't impact my ability to hate Eagles, Redskins or Cowboys fans I see no reason why I would love them any less.

  4. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 31, 2014 -> 05:35 AM)
    Why would we want a veteran back-up in Cervelli?


    How is that the solution to the catching problem?

    Its not so much what I would do, just what I think they'll do. Really, more of a wild hunch that I think they want to bring someone in to mentor Flowers. Long shot, granted, but I also think Cervelli may be undervalued and Hahn might snatch him up.

  5. That K rate for Davidson is alarming. I was expecting it to drop in the 20% range, not regress. I have doubts that he will make it.


    Danish, imo, is ahead of the curve for a teenage pitcher. If he's ever able to add a couple MPH and gain endurance I see an above average MLB starter. A good #3. I don't think gaining velocity or endurance are unreasonable assumptions for a 19 year old.

  6. Haven't seen as much of Kolek so can't really throw out an informed opinion, but based on what you read it seems like a great spot to be in tonight.


    I love pitchers that can throw a 2 seemer 92+ with excellent movement. I love pitchers that can command three plus pitches. I love pitchers that grasp how to get batters out and have a great mental makeup. That's what I see in Nola, and if we decide Kolek is better than that we're in a great spot.

  7. Glad it looks like a great top 3 for pitchers. The more I see of Aiken the more I like (opposite for Rondon for some reason). I'd love to get a premier pitching talent and then come back with AJ Reed at 44 if he lasts. I like that lefty bat. Perhaps hoping Reed falls is a bit optimistic though.

  8. Semien and Johnson look like good prospects.


    That's 2 infield spots.


    Eaton looks like a player in CF


    Abreu at 1B mitigates the need for a 1B prospect (always room for a DH though)


    We have a couple acceptable young players in Gillaspie and Viciedo (3B and LF).


    Garcia is hurt but hopefully a long term solution in RF.


    That really leaves C and possibly SS (if you don't think Semien is passable) as positions that don't have long term solutions on hand. We have a bit of time at SS anyway and a worst case might be a defensive wizard in Rondon that can't hit but will save runs with his glove.


    So, yes, we have a dreadfully terrible system for hitters but I don't think it'll cost us for a while given what we do have in place. If DV and AG become good hitters, we're one big bat away from having a lineup that can compete for a while.


    Hitting a home run with a pitcher @#3 changes the dynamics of the rotation greatly as well. Sale-#3-Quintana-Danks-Johnson is promising if #3 is a plus #2 starter.


    So I guess my opinion is that the system does suck, but we've got time to fix it and still compete.

  9. DV's swing seems quieter to me lately. Less body movement through to contact. I'd still like to see him get even quieter but this has been a positive step imo. Still seems to struggle laying off breaking pitches low and outside but I missed about ha;f the games so perhaps I don't have the full picture.

  10. I'm not sure last year's tinkering helped him. Really odd to see him struggle with LHP's last year after killing them previously. If he can figure it out and maintain his .725 ish OPS against RHP I think he's a pretty productive hitter. I don't think those are unreasonable assumptions either.

  11. If he quiets that swing a little, he hits 30+ homeruns easy. He's got too much potential to give up on now because you just wouldn't get your value back. There's a chance he doesn't take another step and loses value like GB but I don't see how you'd risk giving up a potential 30 HR guy for what little you'd get back from him at this point.

  12. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 21, 2013 -> 04:16 AM)
    It takes a while to "learn" how his shoulder moves after this type of surgery. The surgeon had to tighten up the shoulder capsule when he repaired it. This can change the motion available for the shoulder rotation and effect all of the pitches. The fastball may be slower because he can't "reach back" in the literal sense. This is why the quality of the surgeon was so important. He needed to tighten it just enough. Danks is not all the way back but he is progressing well.

    Is that something that will stretch out over time? Or is it a permanent thing?

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