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Posts posted by BoKnows

  1. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jul 6, 2010 -> 05:40 PM)
    There is no overrating that set of tools. He literally might be the most physically gifted player in all of baseball. Too bad his head is in a whole other place.


    sounds like the same thing a certain team said about Felix Pie.


  2. 10. Royce Clayton

    9. Antonio Osuna

    8. Rocky Biddle

    7. David Riske

    6. Dewon Day

    5. Boone Logan

    4.Mike Jackson

    3. Jose Paniagua

    2. Billy Koch

    1. Joe Borchard


    I wanted to put Tony Pena's batting practice on here, but thought I would give him another year. he may be on the 2010-2019 list though.


    best name in the past 10 years: Jeff Bajenaru

  3. It might be your router. for some reason MLB08 does not work with belkin routers. try disabling your ps3's internet connection, then start the game. If it opens, it is your internet connection. If it doesn't then there could be something wrong with the disc itself.


    QUOTE(BobDylan @ Mar 15, 2008 -> 06:26 PM)
    So my PS3 doesn't play MLB '08 The Show anymore. I even went as far to exchange copies of the game (got a brand new one) and it wouldn't work. The system just doesn't flat out recognize that the game is in it. It plays all other games without a problem. I was ranked 33 online, this sucks balls.


  4. I went to go see Band of Horses at the metro a little while back and they were amazing.


    QUOTE(shipps @ Jan 23, 2008 -> 06:23 PM)
    Has anyone seen any really good live bands recently?I haven't been to a concert in a while and I just dont know anyone that I really want to see.


  5. We are only 2 months in to the new year and there are already several really good albums that have been put out.


    if you are in to the indie / modern rock thing, give the following albums a chance.


    The Good, The Bad & The Queen - The Good, The Bad & The Queen

    - This is Damon Albarn's (blur & gorillaz) new band with Paul Simion from the clash. it is very dark, but has amazing melodies.





    Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Some Loud Thunder

    - the 2nd album from the brooklyn band who caught a lot of people by surprise a couple years ago with their self titled / self distributed release. This album is not for everyone, because it is very challenging to the ears. Recorded with a lot of distortion, it will take a few listens to get used to it, but once you do, you will find that these guys are a really good band.




    Albert Hammond Jr. - Yours To Keep

    - This is the solo album from the guitar player from the strokes and you can hear where they get their style from. Not as rockin' as the strokes, but definitely as sound musically.




    The Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

    - so far, this is the album of the year in my opinion. Originally, I didn't really care for this band then I got to see them at Lollapalooza a couple of years ago and they were great. Listened to their first album again and I was hooked, I was a fan. Some may complain a bout the lead singers voice, but once you get used to it or just listen to the music, they will be one of your favorites. The new album is very big, intense and dark.




    The Shins - Wincing the Night Away

    - Zach Braff should get royalties from this band for taking them from indie rock heroes to selling out the congress theatre. The 3rd album from the band shows how they have grown from album to album. Like other shins albums, this one is mellow then hits you with some great pop music.




    Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?

    - OK, I admit it, this album may not be for everyone, but it is still a good album. This Athens, GA band has been putting out albums for 10 years now and it seems with every album, they keep getting bigger and bigger. For example, when I was in school at UIUC, I went to see this band at the student union and there was about 25 people in the crowd. Now you go see them, and they sell out places like the abbey pub and metro. Not sure how they did, but they did it. Anyway, the new album is very very poppy and dancy. not it a disco type of way, but there is a heavy use of synthesizers on the album.



    anyway, these are just a few albums that have been released this year that I think are worth mentioning. If this continues, this could be a great year for music. Especially since we are still expecting albums from the Kings of Leon, Sea and Cake, Doves, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Wilco, The Thrills, Polyphonic Spree, Radiohead and Stereophonics just to name a few.

  6. QUOTE(The Bones @ Feb 18, 2007 -> 01:27 AM)
    I think they're all great but I've got to say Either/Or is at the top of my list. Elliott Smith, XO, Figure 8, and From A Basement On The Hill are all good in their own different ways. And I would put Roman Candle just a notch below all of them.


    And I just came across elliottsmithbsides.com recently and I gotta say a lot of his unreleased material is just as good as, if not better than, some of the stuff on his albums. I love Stickman, Abused, High Times, Brand New Game. And for some reason I can't stop listening to the instrumental track See You In Heaven. I guess you could say that I'm a little obsessed.



    I have to agree with your list of elliott albums. either/or is my favorite followed by XO.


    Have you heard about the possible biopic on Elliott's life? I read this the other day, with Zach Braff being rumored to play the role of Elliott. I hope this is all just a rumor and nothing like this ever sees the light of day. Elliott was too much of a private individual and there is no way that hollywood would be able to get his life right.

  7. 1) What format you prefer playing - head to head


    2) Your relative level of experience - Moderate - I have played for 3 years with friends.


    3) Your league preference - No preference. never played in a soxtalk league before


    4) Whether or not you are willing to be a league commisioner - can do it if necessary.

  8. I am sure I will get shot here for saying this, but Rowand should not of been going after that ball like he did. Yeah, he's a grinder, yeah, he gives it his all, but that was Utley's ball and he was there easy. Rowand even slowed down for the ball after utley called it, then decided to go back in for it.


    Don't get me wrong, I love ARow's hustle. He is a true old school balls out player and I respect him for that, but he broke his ankle on that play and nearly hurt the teams best player in doing so.

  9. my thought is that KW and Ozzie should put Buehrle on the DL, just to give him some time off. Let Brandon fill in his spot. Tell Mark to just hang out and relax. take a small vacation with the family and rest. When he comes back, do the same for vazquez.


    In my opinion the time off can't hurt either pitcher right now. They are struggling and something is wrong. Everyone is screaming for Brandon and despite whatever Kenny does, unless it involves moving McCarthy into the rotation, he will be criticized. Let's just see what Brandon can do.


    All of these games mean something now, so it should be like a playoff type atmosphere from here on in.

  10. QUOTE(spawn @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 02:38 PM)
    What makes anyone think Soriano would want to ink a longterm deal with the Sox? My guess is he'd much rather be in New York, and I'm betting Steinbrenner would pay a hell of a lot more for his services than Reinsdorf. That's one reason this would be a terrible move, getting rid of a future top-notch starter for a two month rental. Kenny, don't do it!


    not that it would be the deal maker, but he did say he wants to play for a spanish speaking manager.

  11. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 12:31 AM)
    I don't really think many people were being all that serious talking about A-Rod comming to the Sox, it was more fun speculation than anything else. Must you always be such a buzzkill?


    Well said. I don't see a line outside of Grandstand right now with people trying to order their home White Sox ARod jerseys. It's just friendly talk. nothing more, nothing less. but if it did come true, it would be pretty awesome.

  12. A-Rod is a touch of class and only gets a bad rep because he makes so much money. Actually, the money wouldn't be all that bad. He makes $25 mil a year, but Texas is still paying $10 mil of that. It is a lot still, but that is similar to what Mags got from Detroit and what the sox gave Paulie this year.

  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 10:35 AM)
    Anybody heard that new Thom Yorke album yet? I didn't know it existed until I saw it was #2 in sales last week in the paper this morning.



    Yes, I have heard it, in fact a copy was given to me. Think, Radiohead b-sides.


    good background music, but nothing special.


    I hope the plan wasn't to release this album to bring everyone down, then release a mediocre radiohead album that everyone will rave about. Well, that may happen regardless, although, when I heard the new songs on their recent tour, they sounded really good.

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