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Posts posted by IITsox

  1. QUOTE (SoxFan101 @ Aug 22, 2009 -> 02:15 AM)
    Of course in your scenario only people responsible and that wanted too would have kids, so adopting wouldnt really be an option. How f***ed up would it be is the only reason you cant have your own kids is because as a child you were forced into a vasectomy?


    Adoption would still be an option- there would always be some stragglers: kids whose parents died in accidents, children from immigrants perhaps, etc. An adopted child raised from infancy is just as much your own as one of your own blood. Perhaps that is another unpopular opinion of mine, but I firmly believe it. Why make new children in a world where there are so many waiting for caring homes starting the day they are born?

  2. QUOTE (SoxFan101 @ Aug 21, 2009 -> 01:16 PM)
    You do know there is a risk involved in vasectomies, I cant believe anyone would honestly think this would be a good idea.


    If it gets messed up and becomes irreversible, they can always adopt. I don't think anyone has ever died of a vasectomy.

  3. All persons born in the United States should be given vasectomies/ligations at birth. Only after applying for and passing an exam should they be allowed to have the procedure reversed. Those without the financial means, mental competence, etc., as well as violent criminals and sex offenders would not have children.

  4. The hunting argument is silly - particularly deer hunting serves a vital role in population control, the animals are typically killed humanely after living in the wild, and the animals are used almost always for food (if not, then I condemn it).


    The real hypocrisy is with factory farmed meat. If I could choose between being one of Vick's dogs or a pig on many factory swine farms, I'd choose dog any day. Many animals on factory farms know nothing but torture from life until death: at least some of Vick's dogs were rewarded for victory, etc.


    I'm not saying that what Michael did was alright by any means, but what I am saying is that what he did isn't particularly worse than what pretty much every other NFL player (save for Tony Gonzales, a vegetarian, as I recall) does by eating factory farmed meat. I'm not sure how so many people can be OK with the realities of factory farming - it's pretty sickening, and I'm not some crazy PETA protester. I know there are many livestock farms that treat animals humanely, but there are also many that don't, and at the grocery store the consumer typically has no way of telling the difference.

  5. QUOTE (BigEdWalsh @ Aug 16, 2009 -> 02:20 PM)
    As for road attendance it doesn't surprise me but certainly is disappointing that the Orioles, Indians, Twins, and A's in particular outdraw the White Sox.


    How about the Pirates, Nationals, Rockies, Padres, Reds, etc.? Ugh.

  6. QUOTE (Jeremy @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 10:39 PM)
    Why not Figgins himself? He's a free agent this off season.


    3B Figgins

    2B Beckham

    RF Dye

    DH Thome

    1B Konerko

    LF CQ

    CF Rios

    C AJ

    SS Alexei


    The biggest problem I can see is that it might be too expensive, though you could always replace Thome or Dye with someone cheaper.




    3B Figgins

    2B Beckham

    DH Thome OR Dye (whichever is a better value)

    1B Konerko

    RF CQ

    C AJ

    CF Rios

    SS Alexei

    LF Podsednik


    Or how about Orlando Hudson for 2B, leaving Beckham at third? Sadly, I imagine Figgins will be extremely expensive on the free agent market.


    I think most likely Getz will be starting at second base next year, though, particularly with so much spending already.

  7. QUOTE (tonyho7476 @ Jul 24, 2009 -> 08:35 AM)
    they could have...everything has a price at the cell...its amazing. I almost was able to purchase the world series trophy, but negotiations broke down.


    This explains why they sometimes shoot fireworks when there isn't a game, or when the Sox aren't even in town.

  8. I'm an Illinois Tech student and this is great news for us too. Also, further developing the neighborhood, IIT is currently working on the largest Southside development since US Cellular Field. Aside from academic facilities, soon the area just across the highway at 35th and State will be home to many new about 20 new restaurants and retail stores. This should be happening by around 2007. The neighborhood is definitely on its way up.

  9. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Oct 29, 2005 -> 04:57 PM)
    Podsednik would be the worse right fielder in baseball and Manny is one of the worse left fielders in baseball.  You'd have Rowand and two terrible outfielders.  They would be one of the worse outfields out there.  No doubt about it.


    Manny would only be a DH with the Sox.  Nothing more, nothing less.


    Manny in left, Rowand in right, Podsednik moves to center. For those who belive Podsednik would butcher center, his 2003 and 2004 fielding statistics show that he actually played better in center in Milwakee than in left in Chicago. Also, his fielding percentages in Milwaukee are nearly identical to Rowand's fielding percentage in 2005.

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