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Posts posted by bbld52987

  1. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Sep 22, 2009 -> 04:02 PM)
    hell if you can throw an 80 MPH fastball submarine from the left side, you've got a chance.


    No lie, I really did play some D3 baseball and threw submarine from the left side a couple years ago..and i would sit around 78-80...but I did not have a shingo frisbee...I got away with that in D3...don't think you could in the majors hah

  2. QUOTE(daa84 @ Apr 4, 2008 -> 02:16 PM)
    why? because he drank a bunch of Mr. Burns' nerve tonic


    it's like there's a party in my mouth...and everyone is invited!


    Maybe Polanco is just a look into the future of what Jason Kidd's son will look like when he grows up...or looks like now...

  3. i still have yet to see either, can't wait to now....


    i really liked that one a few years ago when Konerko was talking about team chemistry to the camera and all of a sudden Shingo comes in and says something in Japanese and Konerko is like, "It's in the bat rack", i donno, thought it was hilarious, obviously pretty old though, like '04 or something

  4. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 11:14 PM)
    Jenks needs to get healthy and get right. We have 2 other options that can closer out the 9th until his hip gets better. I am wondering when they will give him a cortisone shot. Thats the next step, so he can pitch free and clear.


    Did he just say free and queer? (major league II)


    Great win, can we pleaaaase stop messing around and clinch a playoff spot now

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