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Posts posted by Leagalize13

  1. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 05:28 PM)
    Quality Young Pitching.


    Draft it. Trade for it. Develop it. Just get it.


    KW and the Sox have found this out now from the current market. If Buehrle is dealt, it'll be for quality young pitching.

    Yup. It amazes me how many times KW has said that if he traded a pitcher it would be for young quality arms but yet people still come up with trades for position players.

  2. NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If we trade pitching we DAMN well better get pitching in return.


    If we dont no we have BMc moved to the 4th spot in his first full season as a starter and the 5th spot would end up to who? Haegar/ Floyd? Is it necessary to add a big bat to a teamthat is already powerful? NO.



  3. QUOTE(whitesox1976 @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 05:26 PM)
    I agree with your list 100%, but let me make one correction. The 1917 White Sox didn't throw the World Series, they won the series. They were the last Sox World Champions till 2005 came along. It was the 1919 team that was the Black Sox team that threw the World Series. I'm not trying to critical in any way but just wanted to point out the error.

    :cheers you beat me to it.

  4. Yeah, the Spankies love Hughs so much that I'd doubt they would him trade straight-up for JG. The kid is only 20 and tearing up the minors. With a good season in AAA he will probably be the 5th starter in 08. Cashman has already said he could get called up some time in 07. Thats how high they are on Hughes. I like the idea though and would make that trade in a second.

  5. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 10:26 AM)
    Pretty much its been a one to one relationship with how profits have turned and how the payroll has turned. As Mike has shown in years past, pretty much you can look at the Forbes report and say that whatever the profit has been, you can see payroll increase at the same step. Anyone who thinks that this organization is cheap with a 100 million dollar payroll is a moron.


    And for those using the Garland example, just stop. That is called getting the most for your trade. What will bring you more back, a pitcher in their walk year, or a pitcher with 2 years on the contract. KW thinks he can get an impact pitcher that can front line our rotation with Garland he will ship him off. Plain and simple. And for the love of God its Jon Garland, not Cy Young. He is a durable 200 innning pitcher. Batters hit .294 against him, so lets stop like if we trade him we will be a 5th place team for 10 years. We as fans need to stop falling in love with the names on the back. Because there is no loyalty for the most part either way. FA's want to make the money, and the clubs want to keep a product on the field that can make them money. Why is this so hard for everyone to see. We get silly threads about players being selfish, or the owners being selfish. They are all selfish. Its called human nature. If the cubs would pay me 126 million dollars, as much as I hate them, I would put the hat on right now and smile for the camera. And laugh all the way to the bank later as I bought my Island in the pacific.

    Every thing you just said took the words right out of my mouth. Look at Texas, they signed ARod to that huge contract and got so desperate to get rid of him because he tied up so much payrole they couldnt field a competitive team around him. Now they are paying him 9M a year for the rest of his contract to wear a Yankee uni. Is that what some Sox fans around here want KW to get stuck with?


    One of many reasons I've had pride in being a Sox fan is that we (Sox fans) as a whole are far more intelligent than the idiot Cub fans. Some people around here seem to have the same mentality that Cub fans have and its sick.


    Wait and see when Soriano has enuff with the Cubs orginazation he will be demanding a trade and when he gets traded the Cubs will be eating his salary just like Texas. Is that what some the Sox fans around here want KW to get stuck with? Not me, I still have faith in whatever it is KW is doing.


    QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Dec 14, 2006 -> 11:36 AM)
    Give me a f'rinstance. Lugo, no thanks. Abreu, he wouldn't come here to leadoff. Guillen, maybe, but doesn't solve our leadoff problem.


    With the way these contracts are, $10 million for Garcia is a drop in the bucket. This wasn't a White Flag trade. It was a, "we aren't going to be able to re-sign all of these guys" trade.


    I mean, c'mon, we haven't even signed Cintron or Crede yet and they are going to get raises. Do we REALLY want to be the Red Sox, Yankees or Mets?


    I don't.


  6. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Dec 13, 2006 -> 01:16 PM)
    The fact that Juan dropped Boras as his agent and then signed an extension with the Sox shows that he cared more about playing here than making more money. And yet, Joe Crede still has Boras as his agent...and some people still believe Crede when he says he won't let his agent get in the way of re-signing with the Sox.

    Oh come on, theres a logical explination for that. Crede is full of s***!

  7. QUOTE(WHITESOXRANDY @ Dec 13, 2006 -> 11:16 AM)
    There's no way that kenny would do this. This is not the Devil Rays. We are not rebuilding.


    Kendrick could probably provide equal offense to Iguchi this year but he won't turn the double play as good so that will hurt.


    And, Wood is probably 2-3 years away from being a quality major league SS.


    So, for 2007 we would have no shortstop and only 4 starting pitchers. We could compete with KC for the basement in our division.

    Not to mention, why the the hell would we trade pitching without getting some back in return. How do we know these cant miss prospects work out and like you said we are not rebuilding. If we were rebuilding than we would probably send a power hitter or two to LAA since they are desperate to give Vlady protection in the lineup.

  8. QUOTE(kwill @ Dec 12, 2006 -> 08:47 PM)
    They have swung and missed twice and i think they need some starting pitching. how about howie kendrik, and brandon wood for uribe, iguchi and garland. Sounds like a deal.

    You wouldnt happen to be an Angels fan would you? I dont know of any Sox fans that would trade a proven #3-4 starting pitcher along with 2 solid position players for 2 would be prospects. Ive heard alot of great things about both prospects but come on. Now if you add Sheieds and Santana to go with Kendrick, Wood and the K-Y, I think this deal could happen. :drink

  9. Theres 3 things I like about Javy:


    1) He does a good job keeping them in the game when Ozzie doesnt leave him in too long.


    2) You know he's gonna get his 200+ innings every year


    3) Say what you want about him but he's on the mound every 5th start and will start 33-34 games every year. He stays healthy.


    Personally I would'nt trade him yet. He has too good of stuff to be this bad forever.

  10. If Jon goes anywhere I hope that its to Texas. A little while back DBAHO posted alot of usefull info on Dnaks, Masset and Hurley and it sounds like we could get more for Jon in a deal with them, provided they dont sign Zito. I really wasnt impressed with the prospects Houston was offering, I do like the idea of trying to get Taveres.

  11. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 8, 2006 -> 06:04 PM)
    I don't know if it was a great trade, and I don't think anyone will know for about 3-4 years. But in the end, it's almost impossible for it to be a horrible trade.


    If everything goes wrong with it, what is the worst that happens? Garcia has a big year for Philly, then walks for a $16 million a year, 4 year deal, and the White Sox miss out on 2 draft picks and that big year (assuming of course he even could have a big year in the AL). Then the Sox hold onto both of those pitchers, and they flop. So what? All we've done then is turn those draft picks into people who could compete for us earlier, we save $10 million this year, and we clear a rotation spot for the brightest star in our system, BMac. And hell if BMac struggles, we still have about 5 other options sitting behind him now in Haeger, Gio, Floyd, Philipps, and Broadway.


    Remember the phrase, low risk, high reward? That fits very well with the deal KW made. Very low risk, potentially very high reward.

    Man I could'nt agree more. The more I here KW talk the more it sounds like he's taking a page out Billy Beane's book. The A's traded Mulder and Hudson I believe in the same year and yet competed for the West the following year and every year after. Thats where Scouting and player developement come in. It is possible to recycle vets out for young talent and still compete although A.L. central is just a bit tougher than the West. I have all the confidence in the world that KW knows what he's doing.

  12. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Dec 8, 2006 -> 05:40 PM)
    Welcome aboard :cheers

    Thanks man. I appreciate it. :cheers


    I think what led to this deal was 2 things.


    He likes what hes sees with the Sox and likes his role.


    He has had arm problems the last 2 years so he could'nt ask for much anyway.


    Either way he is very important to us and thats gotta be one of the best the 2 set-up/ closer combo in baseball. Gonna be hard to top those 3.

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