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Posts posted by ChiSox10

  1. It seems to me that alot of guys have had a really great year so far. Is there anyone that you are suprised by, or anything that you didn't expect? I'm not putting mine down here yet because i'm still thinking.

  2. i know i should prolly be looking this up because im sure its really easy to find, but im a little bit to lazy right now. what position does whitesides usually play? thanks if you can help.

  3. I think Brian Miller has as much upside as just about any pitcher in the organization.  He has a very good fastball, mixed with a good changeup.  He's still developing and needs to work on his delivery, but definately big time upside.  Last I know he was still working on developing some secondary pitches, but the Sox have been working with him on that.  I'd say this could be his break out year. 


    As far as Phillips goes, last year he came to Arizona out of shape and had to stay their for part of the season until he was in pitcher shape.  Hopefully he learned his lesson from last year, because he has the ability to make the majors.  He's compared to Buehrle more then any other pitcher I know of and there are some legit reasons for that.  He usually has a good ERA, althoug his record has been awful in the minors (thats off the top of my head, so I could be wrong). 


    I think both are at least two years away from the majors, although Phillips is probably a little closer.  Miller has by far more upside. 


    Miller is in my top 20, Phillips is in the top 30.

    i believe that phillips was hurt and that was why he stayed in AZ for a while longer...but im not sure

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