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Posts posted by CubsSuck1

  1. QUOTE (dasox24 @ Mar 23, 2011 -> 09:02 PM)
    I have an interview with Boeing next week... I don't need advice on general preparation as I've been through a few interviews in the last year, but was wondering if anyone had any specific knowledge of their interview process or anything interesting about the company I should know.


    I doubt I'll get an answer, but just thought I'd ask...


    I've worked for Boeing; very good company in the grand scheme of things. In addition to what others have been saying, I will point out a few items. On the job requisition, there should be a section that outlines the skills and competencies they are looking for in potential hires for the given position. This may seem like common sense, but if you are able to describe, in detail, exactly how you fulfill/exceed those competencies, you will have a leg up. I'm not really sure how much you'll get probed about your technical knowledge, that kind of depends on the job and the interviewer. Obviously, you should know your stuff, but a lot of times, the assumption is that if you've graduated from a reputable program, its an entry level position, you had a good GPA, etc, then you will most likely have sufficient technical know-how.


    But you will absolutely get behavior-based interview questions. In fact, the interview could essentially be composed of nothing but behavior based questions. So, with that being the case, I would have 5-10 good experiences that you are proficient in describing, and being able to tailor those stories to multiple different types of questions. Do your best to "click" with the interviewer - that is another huge component of the interview that could be a deciding factor in the hiring decision.


    To my knowledge, most of the hiring in the company right now is for positions in Seattle and South Carolina. St. Louis has been up and down, as you can probably imagine, with the type of work they are doing out there. It sounds like you have good internship experience, so be sure to sell that as much as you can. Good Luck!

  2. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 02:55 PM)
    You can show me a million numbers and statistics and it won't mean anything to me.


    Anecdotal "evidence" doesn't hold a light to empirical evidence.


    Basically, what you're arguing is, "because it seems to me like there is more crime taking place in the small fraction of the city that I can actually observe, there must be more crime in the city as a whole."

  3. Part of a recent interview with Corgan:


    A lot of fans are very focused on the original lineup.

    In that lineup you had two people who could play with a high level of musicianship, and two people who couldn't. And somehow that worked. James [iha] and D'arcy and Jimmy... fascinating people. Jimmy, world class drummer. James, very creative when he wanted to be. D'arcy had a really incredible intuitive sense. But that band was not built to last. Believe me, if that band had anything left in it, not only would I do it because it would be creatively interesting, but it would be incredibly financially lucrative. People say, "Well come on, just shake hands backstage and ride in separate buses." Part of my being and spiritual person is, I'm not gonna be in a band with people who don't like me.


    Do you think this new incarnation is built to last?

    I really hope it is, and I'm remiss to say that, because I don't know. I've had really weird things happen. People just up and freak out and whatever. Right now, it feels as good to me as the old band felt, in terms of our sorta emotional unity. We all seem sort of on the same page, there's no weird anything. Everybody sort of feels like, OK, I'm in the right place.' And I said to each of them, "We're at the right place in the right time."


    Do you go online to see what the fans are saying about the new tracks?

    No, but I still get a vibe. If I read anything from let's call it the "hardcore fanbase," they are stuck in '93. It's 17 years [later] and I don't know what they expect to have happen. It's sort of beautiful because what they are saying is, "You so touched me in that moment, I want more of that." But the thing that I find really insulting is there's a deeper message there which is "You'll never be better." To try to tell a man that he'll never improve beyond something he did when he was half-crocked on drugs or drama, that's just not right. When I look at Johnny Cash or Neil Young or Tom Waits, those guys have proven that by remaining vital to themselves, that at some point they are able to burst through with another period.


    And another:


    The band had such a great run in the ’90s. What led to its dissolution, which really came at the height of things?

    You know, all four of us were all from dysfunctional backgrounds. [Guitarist] James [iha] had the most normal background. But none of us were perfect people. We were not prepared for the attention. We had two people in the course of our ten years who had substance abuse issues. In addition to that, we were in band that not everyone understood what we were doing. Even though we were popular, we kept hearing that we were terrible, and that I couldn’t sing. There was always this element of negativity surrounding even the best moments we had. Our videos were the only thing that most people agreed upon as a positive. It put a tremendous amount of pressure on us to continue to be successful. We just ran out of gas with the fairy dust. We had seven magical years and since then, it’s been like, “What was that about?” I have a big mouth, and that hasn’t helped. If I had kept my mouth shut, I think things would have been easier. That being said, I’m proud of the fact that we continued to pursue a musical goal even after the band broke up. I continue to pursue the original vision, which is kind of like the Rush thing. We want to push forward and continue to find new ground. I’m only now feeling comfortable. Now, I can do this as I’ve meant to do this all along, with a happy face and a full heart and deal with the pressure.

  4. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Mar 11, 2010 -> 12:18 AM)
    So this summer I will have an internship that will pay well and I may be looking to invest $500 or so, is this smart and how would one go about this as a beginner?

    Where are you interning?

  5. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 07:33 PM)
    Yeah, I saw that a few days ago.


    1) Their 'one goal' is to raise the W flag for one game that nets us 2 points? Awesome


    2) The Sox and Hawks are sponsoring each other this season, so it makes even less sense to promote Cubs traditions.


    3) The Hawks don't raise a flag after any game, win, loss, or snowout.


    4) Put down the baseball bats. We get it. It's in a baseball stadium. But this has nothing to do with the Cubs, or the actual game of baseball. It looks stupid.


    Get real. You seriously think that anyone in the organization is prioritizing the outcome of this game before winning the cup? The Hawks'll get to be the center of attention for a day, and the situation is being milked as it should. Last I heard, season ticket sales are up over 300%, but let's b**** about an advertisement.

  6. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 03:09 PM)
    Oh man, that reminds me of Beastly's old threads when he was Wsc245. "Showering while in high school" or his "what do people prefer sexually threads." Those were f***ing awesome.



    Oh man.. those threads! :lol:

  7. QUOTE(The Beast @ Feb 28, 2008 -> 12:24 AM)
    No, I don't need to "joke much." DGS was a half-assed school with several cliques and corruption of some faculty members and administrators. No wonder the faculty is in trouble for not meeting state scores---I hope some people get canned.


    I'm confused as to why you've added me as a friend, but that's okay.


    I can honestly say you are the most serious person I've ever met.

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