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Posts posted by Kempers

  1. Yeah and they missed chances for all 5 games...Not to mention all through 2001 and 2002. Look, they won so who cares at this point. You just dont wanna see the same pattern developing that you have seen for 2 years in a row.

  2. They scored 3 runs on what sounds like flukey hits and pisspoor defense by the tigers. They've missed a ton of chances to break it open and they are missing them just like they have done all year long. Mark is pitching well, but there isn't a pitcher in baseball who hasn't pitched well against the Tigers all season. Against a real team, they would be paying for all these miss opportunities. They gotta start hitting in the clutch, that's what it comes down to. If they play well enough to win today, I'm happy, but I still don't think they are playing up to what they are capable of.

  3. Sigh, this is gonna be a long season. Buehrle and Colon are supposed to be two of the best pitchers in baseball and yet here the Royals are beating up on both of em. I cant stand this team. High expectations every single year and they always blow it. Now Cy Affeldt is gonna shut down our offense for the rest of the game. What has happened to this offense and this team? We were supposed to have the leagues best offense but so far in 14 innings weve scored two runs off Jeremy fricken Affeldt and Runelvys Hernandez! I cant put up with this...

    You're a f***in moron.

    Its what has happened isnt it? We always make horrible pitchers look great and we always get high expectations and then stink. So whats youre problem with it? Let people vent, especially when the team looks this pathetic...

    Now I have to waste my time and explain to you why you are a moron, fine. Buehrle got "beat up" alright. Wow, 7 innings and 2 earned runs, cut his ass now. Colon allows 3 runs in one f***ing start, his first start, and now he sucks too. We are 2 f***ing games into the season and the Sox already "blow it" according to you. That's not venting, that's being a dumbass. If you want to b**** about how we haven't put up any offense in the first 2 games, fine. Everything else you said is completely idiotic and makes you look like a complete moron. If you "can't put up with this team" any longer then I don't think anyone would mind if you stopped following them.

  4. Sigh, this is gonna be a long season. Buehrle and Colon are supposed to be two of the best pitchers in baseball and yet here the Royals are beating up on both of em. I cant stand this team. High expectations every single year and they always blow it. Now Cy Affeldt is gonna shut down our offense for the rest of the game. What has happened to this offense and this team? We were supposed to have the leagues best offense but so far in 14 innings weve scored two runs off Jeremy fricken Affeldt and Runelvys Hernandez! I cant put up with this...

    You're a f***in moron.

  5. They don't have the worst overall record, but that doesn't mean they aren't the worst team in the league at this point. No one is playing nearly as bad as them right now, maybe Boston (before this little winning streak) or Carolina. And hey, the Hawks finished the year 0-3-1 against the Flames...

  6. I think the Blackhawks are possibly the worst team in the NHL, I just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention. It's a damn shame the boards had changed format because I had a great quote from Heather bookmarked after the first week or two of the season about how the Hawks would finish head of the Wings in the standings this year. Great prediction to say the least. Bout 3 wins in the last couple months now?

  7. I actually think with a young core of players, TB could be better than mediocre. They got some youth...some pitching...could be a little threat, not to the AL East standings though...The reason I post this is because of Travis Lee.

    BETTER than MEDIORCRE? What is this pitching you speak of that they have? And Travis Lee has consistently been one of the worst first basemen in all of baseball for the last 5 years or so.

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