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Posts posted by uksoxfan

  1. QUOTE(mreye @ Apr 4, 2007 -> 06:10 PM)
    The only thing I have is Dan's comcast e-mail address. Is that the one you're using?



    Yeah, that's the e-mail address I use. He had to go into hospital & the last message I got was on march 2nd. I'm a little concerned not having heard anything since.

  2. Hi. I wonder if anyone here could help me?


    A good friend of mine Dan aka the Getupguy has been unwell lately & I've not been able to contact him for about a month. I live in the UK so we use e-mail but he's not been replying. Would any of you guys know him or how he is?


    Would appreciate any info.




    GO SOX.

  3. Here are the games to be shown on TV over here in the next few weeks. They're all live other than the Red Sox game which is listed as a delayed feed.


    @ Tribe 30/5

    @ Tribe 2/6

      Boston 17/6

    @ Cubs 20/6

        Cubs 27/6


    My prediction is we'll  go 3-2, what do you guys think?

    Hey, not too bad at prediciting results, eh? :lol:


    Go SOX. :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers

  4. Yesterday the game was on TV live over here & I enjoyed my Friday evening with few cold MGD's..........


    Today I've had to listen to the game on mlb.radio.....started off on beer again,everything going smooth......& then......I've just demolished a bottle of Chardonnay(fathers day gift) to get me through the game :D


    Feeling pretty good at this moment though :lol: :cheers :cheers :cheers

  5. Little did I know when I picked the Sox in '99 to be my baseball team to follow that they would be a baseball version of ALL my sports teams in the UK..................(soccer,basketball,rugby in the UK)


    Gonna either have a heart-attack or become an alcoholic watching sports.......but, hey, what the hell, you only live once :)


    GO SOX>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :cheers

  6. Here are the games to be shown on TV over here in the next few weeks. They're all live other than the Red Sox game which is listed as a delayed feed.


    @ Tribe 30/5

    @ Tribe 2/6

         Boston 17/6

    @ Cubs 20/6

        Cubs 27/6


    My prediction is we'll  go 3-2, what do you guys think?

    Congrats to you for getting some Sox over there. That's gotta be exciting! :cheers

    May i ask how it came about that we are live on tv over there? is this a regular thing? or something new the so are trying....


    Guess if we cant get our current fans to come to our games... might as well recruit a differnt base...

    We've a new sports channel dedicated to sport in the USA which is part of Murdoch's media empire. We're getting live baseball games nearly everyday. The Sox have already featured 4 times..........& are 0-4!!


    Things can only get better.................or maybe not! :angry:

  7. Here are the games to be shown on TV over here in the next few weeks. They're all live other than the Red Sox game which is listed as a delayed feed.


    @ Tribe 30/5

    @ Tribe 2/6

    Boston 17/6

    @ Cubs 20/6

    Cubs 27/6


    My prediction is we'll go 3-2, what do you guys think?

  8. hey UK! Long time no see.  :cheers

    Hi RPS.............I still look in on the Sox sites to keep up with the news. I don't post much,but I'm still out here :ph34r:


    I've been planing my next visit to the USA........12 weeks & counting :D


    Regards to all.... :cheers

  9. Chisoxfn, Our tickets are in section 229 for the game on 8/11. I've been to Edison Field twice before so I'm familiar with the layout if you want to meet up. We'll keep in touch & maybe arrange something nearer the time. We're staying in one of the hotels near LAX, so I was planning on giving myself plenty of time to get down to Anaheim.




    .let me first say hey to bri.. the kiddos are doing great and how are you and your family??? did you ever get that ball mit????....



    Hi Michelle, we're all doing fine over here.......a lot better than the Sox anyway!! I've mailed you a couple of times along with the others but no reply........glad to hear you're all o.k. :D


    Yeah, I finally got gloves for both Tom & myself & we've been playing catch alot........so we're ready for you guys next time we're over there ;)


    We'll not make Chicago this year as we're going to Cali. in August........I've already got tickets to see the Sox @ Anaheim.................that could all end in tears the way things are going!!!!


    Keep in touch :cheers

    I'll have to meet up with you cause i'll be at every game or I should be.

    I've tickets for the Angels game on 11th August.......we fly home on the 13th. Hope we can meet up at the game :cheers


    .let me first say hey to bri.. the kiddos are doing great and how are you and your family??? did you ever get that ball mit????....



    Hi Michelle, we're all doing fine over here.......a lot better than the Sox anyway!! I've mailed you a couple of times along with the others but no reply........glad to hear you're all o.k. :D


    Yeah, I finally got gloves for both Tom & myself & we've been playing catch alot........so we're ready for you guys next time we're over there ;)


    We'll not make Chicago this year as we're going to Cali. in August........I've already got tickets to see the Sox @ Anaheim.................that could all end in tears the way things are going!!!!


    Keep in touch :cheers

  12. Thanks for a very interesting 20 minutes read.............I can receive Baseball Tonight, Around the Horn & PTI on TV over hear now, so I hope you're right so I can watch the news break & hear their comments just like you folks :D


    BTW.......HSC,how you & the boys keeping ? :cheers

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