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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by soxmaniac!

  1. "By taking the best of old-school bodybuilding and fusing it with a breakthrough in sports science we call Dynamic Set Training, Body Beast is proven to put on up to 10 pounds of muscle mass in just 90 days. You'll crank out Single Sets, Super Sets, Giant Sets, Progressive Sets, Drop Sets, Tempo Sets and more—exercises you've probably seen before but now put together in an entirely new way. Now you'll add resistance and execute elite moves at crazy angles to exhaust the muscle, activate more muscle fibers, and naturally boost testosterone levels far beyond what's been possible before in a home training system."

    Most of these things are unnecessary and just tax your CNS. I used to fool around with stuff like that, but then I learned the best way to train. Using compound exercises as the base of all workouts, and having a routine that progressively increases weight each weak or so.

  2. Agree. What I remember is the offense was much better than 2005, at least for the first half, but the bullpen was not nearly as strong. The OF defense in the second half was killing us, shortening the starters innings and taxing the bullpen even further. Everything just ground to a halt by the end of the season.

    ozzie's stubbornness when it comes to playing certain players is just awful. our CF defense in 2006 still gives me nightmares.


    honestly, there is no point in arguing about ozzie's baseball managing skills with greg. he cant even defend ozzie's managerial skills. he just loves ozzie the person, so he will defend him to the alter (somewhere greg is crossing his fingers) and all the way to death.

  3. I think it's my way of pointing out that it matters not what you think of Ozzie or what I think of Ozzie. He's rich and in the large scheme of things it doesn't matter because if they fire him, he'll be fine.


    this is going to be the last resort of skip bayless when tebow is about to lose his job in the nfl

  4. Those are Ozzie's talking points, by the way, about his wealth and being able to go to Spain whenever he wants, etc.


    By the way, it's not a matter of forgiving Ozzie. I'd just like to understand how and why he lost the motivation to be an above-average manager. At least since the 2008 season ended.

    does that mean he is better than everybody here and the criticism is irrelevant and null because of that? sure as hell seems like that is what greg implies.


    i find ndamukong suh hilarious. how can he not make you laugh? he doesnt care about what anybody thinks, he is rich and will be richer. he can do whatever the hell he wants

  5. Why poor Greg? It was a fair column. I still say Ozzie is gonna be fine in Miami. If not, too bad. Like I've said a million times. Ozzie is richer than rich. He does not need nor does he want any fan's support. There's a good chance if I went up to him in a bar even to shake his hand, he might mock me or punch me in the face. Or he might sit down and converse with me (doubtful). I think he's the normal spoiled major league ballplayer (yes ballplayer who became a manager). He is brash, rich - did I say rich? - and he is Ozzie.

    He's also the only manager in my lifetime to give me a WS title and yes I am loyal to anybody who can give me such joy. If you think back to October of '05, it was glorious. I don't know why you all won't give him the benefit of the doubt, or a break. Do you not love world championships? Sure you do. So forgive Ozzie and move on.

    i find the constant emphasizing of how ozzie is rich annoying

  6. First press conference at Wrigley.


    I'm surprised you haven't allied yourself on the side of Bryce Harper. I gave you a good quote from him to defend Ozzie, right in ur wheelhouse.

    You must type like greg to really get through to him

  7. these games have been closer than necessary the past couple series, and i think i know why. Sorry for slacking and affording the sox a few L's and rough games for the bullpen, it wont happen again



    go sox go, go sox go, hey chicago whattya say, the sox are gonna win today

  8. Not a bad post except for your last point. Did you see the one guy is now posting at the end of every game thread how the "Sox would have lost today under Ozzie, 7-3." People are out of control with their criticism of Ozzie. It's getting absurd and I just stand up for him.


    we lose this game 3-2 with ozzie


    I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't put words into my mouth, thanks

  9. come on, this bullpen needs a nickname. it's unusual because of the amount of rookies in it. the bench mob was a sweet nickname, this bullpen needs something equally sweet. throw out ideas for nicknames


    my list


    the young guns

    the HoT FiRes

    the brick squad

    the good, the bad, and the young

    coop's crew

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