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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by ZionrulZ

  1. No, this is simply not the case at all. We have no problem having our beliefs challenged, but generally we are good enough at discussing these types of issues behind closed doors and responding to posters who have been reported that, 99% of the time, we resolve the situation without further complaint. If there are complaints afterwards, they will be addressed with the person who is punished as well as any other questions regarding the situation, though it's, again, generally handled in private.


    We have problems not with people who disrespect the administrative staff - that's going to happen at any place. The problem lies in the fact that, when said staff is disrespected, the poster has usually done something leading up to that point to have broken rules previously. At that point, when the administrative staff has been called out, they typically keep a closer eye on said subject.


    The administrative staff is not entirely 100% absolved from guilt and punishment, as there have been administrators and moderators on here who have been suspended. The owner of the site suspended himself at one point. When it is necessary to deal with posters, they are dealt with.


    Really? Cuz I'm still waiting for my reponse to your personal attack on me. (crickets chirping)

  2. It wasn't his opinions that were the problem, it was the obstinance, harping and unresponsiveness. In my experience, any opinion can stand on this board as long as you're willing to get challenged.


    Also, I kind of like Greg despite hating his posting style and agreeing with almost none of his opinions.

    I beg to differ. There are people here (primarily admins) who instigate/antagonize posters and then threaten to ban them when they respond.

  3. have we confirmed Lamar isn't greg?

    My name is Steve.


    I don't know this Greg person of whom you speak. However, if some of you believed that he was banned, I can only assume that he has his own opinions, and that they are probably not shared by the admins.

  4. Nothing as a moderator prevents me from saying this...


    You contribute absolutely nothing to this site. You started a thread about adding Alex Rodriguez to the White Sox at some point in time in the next 2 years, and then admitted wanting nothing to do with it WHEN YOU STARTED THE THREAD IN THE FIRST PLACE. When called on it, you said NOTHING


    Yet, whenever anybody says anything pessimistic or, really, anything that goes against the mold, you are right there there with your {redacted} interjections.


    I was only recently "promoted" to moderator status, but that does not dissuade me disliking someone.


    I dislike you. In fact, I hate when you post. Anything you post brings the mood of the board down.


    That's all

    It's funny that everybody above has criticized this move, but I'm the one that you "get on"...hmmmm.

  5. Trade value isn't the only concern with a young guy, particularly with a team trying to establish a consistent record of being a contender.


    Give you a comparison. Moustakas and Hosmer have had their trade values fall significantly in the last year or two...but that hasn't stopped a whole lot of people from picking the Royals to finish ahead of the White Sox this year.

    I wish the Sox had (could get) Moustakas and/or Hosmer right now.

  6. Sizemore was playing hurt in 2009 and really slipped in performance. He was brutal in limited appearances in 2010 and 2011 and didn't play in 2012. To expect anything out of him is a dream. It might come true, but chances are his days of being a good player are ova. Sizemore hasn't been elite or healthy since Lance Broadway was considered a prospect.



    Lance Broadway... :lol:

  7. What it boils down to is this, are the Sox better with Beckham at 2d, Keppinger at 3rd and Rios in the OF, or Keppinger at 2d, Olt at 3d and Danks in the OF. I kinda like the latter, although Id prefer Carpenter (from Stl) and 2d, Keppinger at 3d....

  8. Zobrist, saber-wise, is one of the best players in baseball. I am a Beckham fan, but if that trade is available, the Sox would not be wise to pass.


    I really think most people have no idea just how good he has been the last several years. His contract is a steal.



    If the Sox could trade Beckham for Zobrist, I'd personally offer to drive Gordo to TB and pick up Zobrist.

  9. Yet still, Alex Rodriguez is a terrible idea. If Beckham sucks, Sanchez will get a shot. If Keppinger sucks, Sanchez will get a shot. If they both suck, Sanchez will get a shot and the White Sox will no longer be competing for a division anyways so why would they want ARod?


    Use rational logic.

    Agreed...although KW always seems to like to get "his guys", no matter how washed up they may be at the time. (See Griffey Jr, Manny, either Alomar, Fukudome, etc.). Hopefully, he won't (can't) influence Rick Hahn.

  10. I know I haven't posted in a while on here, but I need your help.


    So I've been picked as one of 50 finalists to get into the MLB Fan Cave. So in typical Chicago fashion I need my fellow ST members to vote early & often. It'd be pretty cool to get to go to spring training & cover the rest of the season.


    Thanks in advance, I'll give everyone that votes a free hug. :wub:


    Vote here -> http://mlbfancave.mlb.com/fancave/vote.jsp...5952ebd8b6c7d44

    You have at least 1 vote...I got your back!

  11. eye cn red, eym naht stewpit


    But honestly, I dont even think it should be considered for distraction alone, much less declining skills.


    But you are sure the Sox suck and their FO sucks, so im not surprised.



    My concerns are that Keppinger might not be a 160 game 3B and/or that Beckham (still) sucks. If one or both of these proves to be true, the Sox will have 1 (or 2) huge holes to fill in the IF.

  12. I defer to one who knows all. I have changed my mind, we now need A Rod

    You're an idiot. I NEVER said I'd do it; I just asked if you thought the Sox should consider it.


    Here's the point (once again)...IF he becomes available and IF at that time he's the best option for the Sox (ALL things considered), I think the Sox might (should) consider signing him.


    Reading is a skill, people.

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