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Douglas Rome

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Posts posted by Douglas Rome

  1. LaRouche looks like a statue, but he looked like a statue in 2014 too, didn't anybody

    see that before they hired him? He's a stiff, I would just dump him and write it off

    as a bad deal. Why keep him around like we did the other Adam, he's a cancer that

    needs to be cut off at the neck. And he says he's sorry and he should be booed, but

    he still cases his checks. If one of these stiffs would come out and say don't

    pay me, now that would be something. How 'bout this, Adam Ladouche comes out and

    says don't pay me until game 162, and then, and only then, pay me if you think I deserve

    the money? thanks, douglas

  2. back when Bill Veeck invented putting player's names on the jerseys, it was the road

    uniform only. His reasoning was visiting teams players wouldn't be recognized and

    associated by number to hometown fans. I think we should go back to that, I see some of

    the teams no longer have names. thanks, douglas

  3. there isn't a single position player that doesn't need improved. I suppose you could

    say that about every player, even Mickey Mantle, but these nine guys on the CWS

    all just plain suck. Gillespy should not be a major leaguer; Alexis is clueless, Adam

    LaRouche looks like a statue at the plate, ever look at him good, stiff as a board?

    You can go down the list everybody on the team a bunch of losers. It all point to

    Robin Ventura gotta go. thanks, Douglas

  4. my original thought got lost in the rhetoric, can a manager

    impose appearance code? The owner/boss wants some semblance

    of class befitting an elite member of society. It was many many years

    ago we were staying at the Drake hotel downtown and the Pistons

    were in town and staying there. Those guys looked and dressed like

    they took pride in their game and team and not like a bunch of slobs.

    If I was manager, as long as you had a uniform on, clean shaven, no

    jewelry, short hair GI cut preferred. When not in uniform you still had

    a code when in public. I know members here will say as long as they

    perform, they can look like clowns is okay, not the point. thanks, douglas


  5. it was talked about a little on the TV yesterday, but what is America's

    fixation with facial hair? I watched American Idol last nite and all three

    Ryan Secrest, Keith Urban and Harry Connick look like they hadn't seen

    a barber or a razor blade in months. The Sox lineup looks like the players

    are auditioning for Smith Bros cough drops. Can the manager impose

    appearance codes or is that a thing of the past? thanks, douglas

  6. I have only been a member here a month, and it's been a rocky road. I suspect I'm a little too far to the

    right of most members of this board, nothing I can say will change that. You all will have to put up with

    an uneducated bigot and a loudmouth, i hope i can still visit here if my posting privileges are revoked.

    ................. thanks, douglas

  7. why are you guys apologizing for him? Adam Dunn sucked, he was awful,

    he was the worst p[layer to put on a Sox uniform in the last 20yrs, name

    me one worse? and who got paid more? Oh, he was a nice guy in the clubhouse,

    who gives a crap? For 56mil we paid him to be terrible, I could be as good as he was.

    we made him a rich millionaire he's laughing all the way to the bank. I hope I never

    see or hear from adam dunn ever again, geeez! thanks, douglas

  8. you guys are way too kind, he stole my money and for that there is no forgiveness.

    His body language and the s*** eating grin on his face every time he drew a walk

    was one reason I could not stand to see him in the batter's box. Draw a walk, I'm

    not paying him to draw walks, I could bring back Smokey Burgess to do that. Why

    they let him sit out the last week so he wouldn't break the all-time strikeout record

    i'll never know? Would have served him right. thanks, douglas

  9. Me and Linda watch Celebrity Apprentice with Donald Trump. This season

    has Johnny Damon as one of the contestants, and a few of the tasks are fund

    raisers. The key to winning is to call on your best buddies to make cash donations

    and document the results. These Celebrities can garner some big bucks but it seems

    the pro sports players have a rough go. Damon was only able to accumulate $5000,

    while one of the Hollywood guys was able to earn $165,000. Linda asked what's with

    that, I thought these ball players made so much money? And it's true, baseball players

    are the elite of the pro sport world when it comes to salaries, but evidently not when it

    comes to charity donations. Or maybe Damon doesn't have any friends?

    thanks, douglas

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