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Posts posted by Hamhock

  1. 32 minutes ago, PaleAleSox said:

    He played baseball in college. I think he is asking questions to Stone just to get him to talk.

    In that case, additional years of experience will help him with the nuances of coaxing out the personality of his broadcasting colleague. In any event, he will continue to improve with time.

    • Like 1
  2. Schriffen is an equal-parts hodgepodge of:

    • nice person
    • ultra-enthusiastic “homer”
    • devoid of historical baseball knowledge, game-related context, and insight; he’s neither an ex-player nor a long-time fan

    It will all improve in time (several seasons’ worth at the least). 

  3. 4 minutes ago, A-Train to 35th said:

    Anyone catch the multiple hugs between Mayor Johnson and Warren.....Does anyone here think The Mayor would hug JR when and if they make their proposal public.  I bet not, and if he did it would be awkward at best.


    I would give good money to see a "this guy right here" eight fingers/no thumbs two-handed shoulder slap.

    • Haha 1
  4. Well, at least the centerfield camera mystery is officially solved - the wind is gusting like crazy, blowing the fountain's water spray directly into it, as well as occasionally flapping the backdrop cloth in front of it.

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Bob Sacamano said:

    Take away opening day (for the teams with the decrease anyway) and I wonder how it looks

    Different, of course - but that's part of what I'm saying; if we concede that Opening Day draws more people and therefore offsets lower attendance during an April timespan, it's irrelevant if that's on 4/1 or 4/16. You have to have an Opening Day; you have to have play other home games in April; attendance is lower in April; why not just try to make the weather potential better wherever possible. Kick the southern teams an extra % or two of the split, etc.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

    NO one wants early April home games after opening day.  It is always the lowest attended type of year, and the southern based teams felt they were getting penalized with more bad attendance games because of it.

    I understand that this is the perception. But in fact, 11 of the 15 stadiums with domes and/or in the warmest cities had their average attendance decrease in the second half of April 2023:


    Sure, their home opener would skew that first half of the month avg. higher - but that's sort of the point.

    Texas' notable increase in the latter half of the month is quite something, I'll concede - not sure if that has something to do with Dallas-area school schedules for Spring Break or not.

  7. 11 hours ago, Lip Man 1 said:

    Now if you insist on playing in late March/early April then do what was done for a short period of time, play as many games as possible in warm weather or dome sites.

    That was stopped because those teams complained about having to play a lot of home games before school was out and not have as many dates available in the peak summer months.

    I’ve never understood this argument by those teams; just do the first two weeks (April 1-15) in the warmer cities and domed stadiums, and then April 16-30 in the others; no one misses out on summer month home games; the colder areas get two weeks to buy some time for better weather.

  8. Regarding the size of the land vs. ballpark, something else to keep in mind is that the vast majority of the team’s office space currently crammed into the area behind the third base side of GRF can instead be off-loaded into a neighboring building in the new complex, like how the Cubs did.

  9. Anderson seems to perform at his best only when he has absolute confidence in himself and his abilities, while also simultaneously receiving praise/validation both from everyone in his bubble (friends, family, teammates, other teams' players) and also outside the bubble (fans, media). There's a certain duality of narcissism and self-doubt, where it's either one extreme or the other. He's either:
    - performing to the utmost of ability, or
    - things are all crashing down; his confidence wavers and he no longer thinks he's the best, and he performs terribly

    I don't even intend for any of the above to be critical or derisive; I do think he'd greatly benefit from a top-notch sports psychologist, and beyond that also a personal one.

    • Like 3
  10. 3 hours ago, Lip Man 1 said:

    “With :30 seconds left in their selection time on draft day JR would say things like “You know this college right-handed pitcher has the lowest injury risk.”

    I like to consider myself a decently honest person, but I’ll admit that I’d be tempted in that scenario to immediately lie or stall out those 30 seconds. “Yeah, terrible character issues, though”, “he’s very out of shape”, a distracted “yeah, I - hang on, one sec, Jerry - take (player I wanted) - I’m sorry, Jerry, what was that again?”

  11. re: links from the artist formerly known as Twitter; it's probably because various discussion boards don't recognize that new URL yet as something that should embed. I suspect that if you use "twitter.com" in the URL in place of "x.com" it will embed fine.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  12. Fun things you can also do when challenged to a fight on a baseball field, instead of fighting or "looking bad/weak for backing down" (not a direct quote of anyone; just summing up):

    • look completely bored/unimpressed with the dumbass yelling at you, then slowly turn your back on him and fold your arms
    • exaggeratedly flick away the imaginary dirt/filth from your arm/wherever the dumbass poked at you
    • make the Razor Ramon/Scott Hall finger-waggling/ooh-I'm-scared gesture, complete with accompanying facial expression
    • if opponent puts fists up, take one step back, go up on your toes and take a comical 19th-century bareknuckle boxing stance with hands pointed inward, draw a line in the dirt with your cleats and dare them to cross it, then draw another one
    • Ali shuffle in circling pattern
    • wait until opponent is being held back by multiple people, then do the pantomime "let me at him/fighting-against-restraint" gesture to indicate they're not really trying to break free
    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  13. Phillies owner John Middleton seems to share the same philosophy as Cohen:


    The payroll is closing in on the second-tier $253 million luxury-tax threshold, trailing only the Mets, Yankees, and Padres, and jockeying in the deep end with the Dodgers and Blue Jays. But for Middleton, as ever, the bottom line goes beyond the bottom line, which explains why he keeps spending ... and spending ... and spending.

    “How much money did the ‘27 Yankees make? Or the ‘29 A’s? Or the ‘75-76 Big Red Machine?” Middleton said. “Does anybody know? Does anybody care? Nobody knows or cares whether any of them made any money or not. And nobody cares about whether I make money or not. If my legacy is that I didn’t lose any money owning a baseball team on an annual operating basis, that’s a pretty sad legacy. It’s about putting trophies in the cases.

    “If your ambition is to be good, you don’t make those decisions [to sign Turner]. If your ambition is to be great, you make those decisions. It’s about desire, really. I just want to win.”


  14. On 1/7/2023 at 11:11 AM, Texsox said:

    Find an owner without ties to the city that will finally move them to a city where they can be #1 instead of in another team's shadow.

    I have no dog in this fight, but of all US cities/metro areas without an MLB team, there are zero with a population greater than half of Chicago’s. (San Antonio has a city population a little over half, but its MSA is 1/4 the size)

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, ThirdGen said:

    Moses was a major problem for them, but neither team was doing well financially at the time either.  No doubt NY could support two teams, the market is much larger than Chicago. Three teams was probably a stretch, particularly sharing a market with the Yankees in the 1950's.

    Just for additional insight, here's attendance from 1948-1957 for all three clubs (not refuting what you're saying; just thought it might be interesting to look at the trend):

    1948    1,459,269
    1949    1,218,446
    1950    1,008,878
    1951    1,059,539 (Pennant)
    1952    984,940
    1953    811,518
    1954    1,155,067 (WS)
    1955    824,112
    1956    629,179
    1957    653,923

    1948    1,398,967
    1949    1,633,747 (Pennant)
    1950    1,185,896
    1951    1,282,628 (84 home games)
    1952    1,088,704 (Pennant)
    1953    1,163,419 (Pennant)
    1954    1,020,531
    1955    1,033,589 (WS)
    1956    1,213,562 (Pennant)
    1957    1,028,258

    1948    2,373,901
    1949    2,283,676 (WS)
    1950    2,081,380 (WS)
    1951    1,950,107 (WS)
    1952    1,629,665 (WS)
    1953    1,537,811 (WS)
    1954    1,475,171
    1955    1,490,138 (Pennant)
    1956    1,491,784 (WS)
    1957    1,497,134 (Pennant)

  16. 23 minutes ago, The Kids Can Play said:

    I hear what you're saying, but the Silver Slugger is just one per position. The Gold Glove is mostly defense and also just one. My point was I think there should be 3 All-Pro teams at the end of the season for each position like in the NBA and NFL. Just my opinion!

    This already exists; it’s just that it only began in 2019, so it’s going to take several more years to gather status/renown:


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