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Posts posted by Rockysdadswife

  1. From all us "rednecks" here in Podunk, California; our wish for your birthday came true. The Royals LOST, the White Sox WON and we are now in FIRST PLACE- all by ourselves. LOL :cheers
  2. I've been thinking about this next series for a while now (uh oh - that can't be good) and I am VERY afraid for any Sox fan going to urinal field this weekend. Those ScrUb fans are NUTS. They attack umpires, they run on the field (only at Comiskey though), they give SHAMEE standing O's whenever they see him - and have an extreme (it seems to me) hatred for all things White Sox. I have a bad feeling about this series, because of the latest Corky scandal, and just wish it was being played at Comiskey instead of the urinal. :o BE SAFE SOX FANS! :)

  3. LOL HSC we're posting at the same time. No I had to remove the HUMONGOUS bandage his dr put on him yesterday at a check up and change it with one more humane LOL - I swear the guy is Hanibal Lecter in disguise. :P :P :P

  4. LOL - two timer! HA! we could have ourselves a CW sammich HSC. :cheers and no my beloved CW - RD's not gone, he's snoozing. Had a very vigorous bandage change and it wore him out. :huh:

  5. for whatever reason, :huh: apparently a moderator showed up there and started deleting, deleting and deleting - I was banned with no explanation given and my user name was taken away. LOLOLOL - I've never (well maybe once) :rolleyes: used foul language there and my posts (I think) were almost always respectful. I only found out because I was trying to find the thread where I stood up for Corgie & CW :angry: - It won't let me log on no matter how long I try and I still can't find that damn thread even as a "guest". What a joke. They let :nono ScrUb :nono fans run amok and ban me. :bang - go figure. :headbang

  6. Please people can't we just get along? My karma is all out of whack now from this terrrrrrribbbblllleee display of family anger which is like a boiling cauldron of vile and evil spite. I will meditate on this and beseech the great one for your forgiveness. Tomorrow we will kick the living daylights out of San Diego. Unless of course the planets aren't aligned properly.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  7. :lol: Okay, now I gotcha. So a Clu is someone sorta like our receptionist - not carrying a full deck, one nugget short of a happy meal, lights on but no one is home, one beer short of a six back.... that sorta thing - got it LOLOLOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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